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In this interview, Anthony Peake offers up credible scientific research into various metaphysical subjects, such as, Out-of-Body Experiences, Alternate Realities, Deja vu, Dreams, Consciousness, Reincarnation and much more...
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Hello and welcome to the Spirit Network radio show with your host Mark Chatterton. Tonight we would like to welcome onto the show, Anthony Peake, who has been researching the relationship between the human brain and consciousness for a number of years. Anthony has written four books, which we will be discussing tonight. As well as being a member of the Society for Psychical Research, he is also a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, the International Association of Near-Death Studies and the Scientific & Medical Network. So a warm welcome to you Anthony.
Before we go on to talk about your books, can you tell us what were you doing before this? Had you always had an interest in the paranormal/unexplained, or did you have a Eureka moment?
Your first book was “Is There Life after Death?” was published in 2006. What was it that prompted you to write this?
So do you accept that there is such a thing as Reincarnation?
In your second book, The Daemon, which came out in 2010, you put forward the theory that there are two parts or selv
es to our consciousness. ie the Daemon and the Eidolon, who eventually become one or the Dyad as you put it. Doesn’t this correspond to the left brain/right brain scenario, or would you say it is something more complex?
Your third book, “The Out of the Body Experience”, which came out last year, begins with you visiting Switzerland, where you met up with Dr Englebert Winkler and tried out his machine called Lucia, which stimulates the brain in quite an unusual way. Could you tell us a little about this experience?
What about Remote Viewing? Isn’t this type a of out of the body experience?
Your latest book. “The Labyrinth of Time” has just come out. Can you tell us the idea behind the book?
I know you are going to be leading a workshop at the Mind Body & Spirt show at London’s Earl’s Court soon. Could you tell us a little about what you will talking about?
What plans do you have for your next book?
Quote regarding his book, The Out-of-Body Experience.
"In "The Out-of-Body Experience" Peake reviews the history of this fascinating subject and then, using recent discoveries in neurology, consciousness studies and quantum physics, suggests a challenging new model of how our perception may interface with "reality"."
Anthony Peake website:-
Details of Anthony’s workshop at the London Mind, Body & Spirit fair on Sunday 9th June 2012.
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