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My story:
Consciousness and Science:
Becoming conscious of our inner self, starts with asking ourselves question, like what I do automatically in my life in repetitive patterns, where do they come from, do I feel right about an action or has it made me feel uneasy, am I acting in my best interest?
It’s not selfish to do this, because if I am not acting in my own truth, then I am not functioning to my best ability.
I realised that the scientist are all focusing within the guidelines of the worldview of the subject.
This means that everything has to stand up to experiments, using set rules that set a pattern that can be repeated.
To date, experiments clearly show that consciousness is a great part in our life, but the scientists are reluctant to agree to this, because of the mystical, metaphysical side, even though, it’s almost accepted that we are, holographic in nature and everything we see is also part of this.
They know that our brain functions as a memory type computer that activates our visual centre, so that our brain can then make sense, of the information being given by using our beliefs, hard wiring, neurons, our opinions and our up bringing.
They know that everything is interconnected; there is no separation and how we see and act in our life is a projection from the visual cortex, projected outwards and understood by our brain, that then lets us see the object and then filters it back, as information of things ‘out there’.
There is evidence of the existence of a unified energy field and this is linked in some way, it is a theory as yet unproven.
I realised that I needed to refresh my info about the consciousness, I sat down to watch the 2nd DVD of what the bleep, with a pen and a book, there are lots of things that they say, that need more contemplation...
They have come to some ideas about consciousness, mainly that we are the source, and we are holographic, the brain is limited to what functions it can perform, it acts on given beliefs by previous experiences, it cannot step outside its own box, these functions give us our emotions, feelings and actions, our divine self is unlimited.
Inspired bytes…The ancient and modern Shaman, Seers, and spiritual teacher from all walks of life, who practice meditating, reach into a place that is different, from what we see in our everyday life.
From my point of view, I do not know what the unified field is or how it exists, but I do know that there is something there and I can get to it during meditation, it’s about how I feel, there are no words that explain it, it is everything, its omnipresent, I do not understand it, but I trust it.
The timeline I have taken with this writing, is so that I could keep track of my work, as and when it happened.
There is no time in the higher dimensions; the information that’s being given is NOT linked to the actual date that it has been delivered to me.
All information can be taken at any TIME that the reader is inspired to use it, for his or her own progress.
If you, the reader is resonating with any of this information, then I ask you to focus on it, and take from it, your own unique perspective on it.
Personal update:
Having applied these ideas for a year now I found I could get results in ways that were not provable but were consistent with the theory I was trying at the time with all the methods that I had used.
Life has become very exciting, and now we are in this new Age of Aquarius with the knowledge of the cosmic frequencies and vibrations it has helped me to develop the most important way of altering my body, mind, soul and thinking.
I am discovering through practice, that positive thought and the balance of mind, body, heart/brain focus is bringing physical results in money, confidence, and success in life, it is life changing.
It took me a year, to understand how I can change the energy, I have had some success with it, and am aware when negative thoughts came in and I consciously change them to a positive outcome, I feel it is working in some way.
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