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Barbara Neville
I have been reading Ian’s blog II about unity and ascension.
My information has been shown in my imagination since August. Its what I am to do to help the process of ascension and the coming and acknowledgement of the next pattern of energy.
As part of my personal changes I have been forced to stay in my house since 29 July. I had a miner accident and broke my wrist. Then 4 weeks later I had to have an umbilical cord repair operation.
I had a plate put into my wrist and I was told that this would help in the resonating of the energy of this program. I was told to practice moving through the universe to the star Archturus then to Orion and Pleiades. This was so that the pattern of my resonation creates the energy line that is to be the pathway for the connection to the planet earth on the 21st Dec 08
Because I was in some discomfort I had trouble keeping a set pattern of life so I went with the flow. I was awake during the night and very early in the morning.
I did not worry, instead I meditated a lot, and I practiced the meditation form that was being made clear to me by reading Gregg Braden’s books.
This was to be connected to every thing, The meditations led me to observe the sky in the mornings at about 4:00am, at this time the stars were very clear and I found myself looking at the Orion belt Pleiades, the plough and the main planets.
I watched them long enough to see them move across the sky and I imagined the earth moving and the sun coming into view as the earth turned. The star energy was resonating with me and during the meditation I was given some very specific information to work out in my head.
I was told to go out into our solar system, to the Orion belt and then to Pleiades, to travel to the outer universe to Archturus that is on the outer most region of the universe.
I have read that it is a place where the master energies work to maintain the balance of the universe.
In the first one I was taken to Archturus, back to the Orion belt and Pleiades, and then back to my room. In the second I was taken to Orion, Pleiades then to Archturus. I asked what this was for:
I was told that I was being used to bring onto earth the patterns of the new particle / molecule that was to become conscious in the universal energy field on the 21st dec 08 and that It was to happen over the three days of mid winter 21st – 23rd dec 08.
Over the periods of 4 weeks I was shown part of the pattern from the perspective of a 2 dimensional drawing. I was taken to Archturus each time and every time I saw the same image of how it looked and Metatron was there along with many other light bodies milling about. They did work on my molecules and energy.
When I asked why and how this could be, my guides referred to the new physics and to all the information in the science experiments that show that, everything is connected by a field of energy, a unified field the physicist are only just beginning to understand.
And that we are able to change this field by what we believe and give thought emotions and feeling to. I have known about this theory for sometime now, so what was happening in my imagination and meditations was very likely to become real at some point. So I worked completely with this.
I was only working on one part of this image so I asked, Did it matter?
I was told that because everything is connected and holographic in the universe and, although I could not see it, it was part of a full star like molecule with smaller star within it.
The different stages I went through during the meditations, made an energy signal in the matrix.
Each one made a different route for the wave to move along. This enables the vibration / wave to choose the correct pathway to use for the optimum effect. Do remember this energy has intellect and it knows the best way to facilitate the new shapes waves vibrations
I asked how could this work when I was only being given this part.
I was being told that, this was to be a full star shape, that would encompass the whole universe but all I was doing was part of it. This energy is being facilitated in the universe by others on planet earth and by us the light bodies from Archturus. Your part is one ninth of the equation. Then I was given all of it, but I have no idea it meant.
I was told to use Verna’s energy orb as my Merkaba, this is an intergalactic energy transformer, and we are working on this trajectory of inter planet transformation.
The images that you see in your head, are the patterns of the changes that are in progress, to bring in and facilitate the re-alignment of the fundamental cell structure of all life in the universe.
Every vibrating energy form will be changed with this pattern of structure. Every cell / molecule / atom has to receive this update. And it will complete on the 21 / 12 / 08. This new structure will produce a different vibration / sound / wave within the body of all living things.
You have been shown on the galactic viewpoint. This is so you can perceive it and activate it on earth and in you solar system. It is happening universally. In the holographic system all will change to this unique pattern.
{Verna is my daughter and during a meditation she was given this for us to travel in.}
I asked questions, is it important that I get it set exact in my mind? Will it matter that I cannot see it complete? How is it going to react on mankind? Will it exist?
The answer was. No it’s not important to have it precise. The looseness of the image will allow it to find its own level of existence within the matrix of the universe/ solar system planets and stars. There is plenty of leeway and it needs to find its own place.
As to mankind, there will be no obvious changes in anything. There will be physical unease, but nothing that has not already been happening for some time, slight disorientation, dizziness, sickness, headachy, ache and pains in various places in the body.
To help yourself, be in the moment, sleep when tired, eat when hungry. Open up to it and it will flow through you with ease.
By Feb you will be aware of the outcome, this will give you greater perception, clarity, deeper understanding of universal mind. And it will also give you awareness of the connection to the universal mind /god divine matrix in an enhanced physical way.
The shape of this new cell is like having a three-pin plug to use to plug into the divine matrix/ god within your own energy/body direct, using unconditional love as the power.
I asked why it was necessary for a person to do this and was told that man and his inner - technology i.e.
• Thought / Imagination.
• Emotions / love.
• And the feelings of love and peace within.
• This creates everything.
Mans DNA holds the words ‘’GOD ETERNAL WITHIN MAN’. And it’s the love generated by god within man, coupled with the thought / imagination and the feeling that has the desired effect on the universe and all life.
This went on until the second week in September and then it stopped. I thought I was better but I was to spend the next 8 weeks recuperation from another operation.
During this period of dis-ease I have been reading two books by Gregg Braden called, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief and The Isaiah Effect
The first one I read. The Isaiah Effect. This is telling me, that through the power of prey done in the ancient method.
I could affect the energy of the universe by using my inner technology
• Love, the emotion,
• Thought, the idea
• The feeling that the changes had already happened and I was living it,
This all sounds radical but I have started to do this and my experiences are very positive.
In the second book ‘The Spontaneous Healing of Belief’’, I am trying to understand my own beliefs and reprogram them to heal my body completely by using my inner technology.
A note on our beliefs. You need to look at ‘The Spontaneous Healing of Belief’ to understand this aspect of yourself. It is a book that gives understandable information to help to change and heal yourself. And why you might want to do this. This is all part of learning about the true being that you are, finding and understanding that all things are connected and that we are connected to everything in the universe.
P S I like the way Gregg writes in this book he uses the idea of the technology of the computer to bring in facts and changes that are needed to change my core unconscious beliefs. This appeals to my understanding.
A note on fears. We only have three fears and all other come from these they are.
• Low self-esteem
• Abandonment
• Miss trust
All others stem from these.
On a personal note. I have been looking at mine and have managed to get to understand them to a certain level. This has released me from a lot of olds beliefs about myself and change things in my life.
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