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Ascended Master St. Germain & Goddess Portia

By:Pamela Caddy
Date: Tue,04 Jul 2017
Submitter:Pamela Caddy

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Working with the feminine and masculine aspect of the violet flame to assist your ascension.

Channelled by Pamela Caddy 3/7/17

Greetings and blessings to you all beloved souls on the earth. We are ascended master St. Germain and Goddess Portia who step forward to bring forth of our communication to you today.

What we would like to discuss with you before we go into our meditation. Is the purpose for our communication that we have for you today, and how working with the masculine and feminine aspects of the violet flame consciousness will support your ascension.

The violet flame consciousness is a soul energy, an aspect of source, and so therefore it must be within its masculine and feminine aspect. By working with the masculine and feminine aspect of the violet flame consciousness intentionally within your healing sessions. It will help to bring healing into those areas of your being, where you are out of alignment within your yin and yang energy of yourself.

So, by working with the masculine aspect of the violet flame consciousness within your healing session, it supports to restore a balance of determination, divine will, strength, power, and motivation. And by working with the feminine aspect of the violet flame consciousness it supports you in bringing back self-worth, nurture, harmony, intuition. Flow, and Gentleness of yourself.

When you allow both masculine and feminine aspects of self to be within a balance and harmony, then this creates a wholeness within self. By working with the violet flame consciousness within it’s masculine and feminine aspects of consciousness together within a healing session, it allows for you to restore yourself back into your oneness; To which is the synthesis of your masculine and feminine self, the creator aspect of which you are.

So, I master St. Germain and my twin flame aspect Goddess Portia, would like to bring forth of a meditation now, that will bring forward the violet flame consciousness within its masculine and feminine aspect equally, and to work on those areas within yourself where there is an imbalance within your yin and yang energy, allowing the violet flame to transmute of any past life traumas and challenges, where you may have been abused, experienced great fear and upset as a male or female within those past lives, and that you carry this energy forward and into your current life time, and to assist in restoring your yin and yang energy within its wholeness, divine truth, and source consciousness within yourself.

This is a very powerful session and meditation that you can work with, when you feel the need to bring balance, stability, and equilibrium within your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of self.

So, we ask that you sit comfortably or lie down if you choose, take some deep and relaxing breaths into your being and exhale out any tension that you are aware of currently, and allow yourself to be guided into a state of meditation that feels appropriate, comfortable, and soothing for yourself. And as you enter this state of meditation for yourself now, allow for yourself to have a sense of your yin and yang energy, you can ask yourself. “how is my yin energy presenting itself?” And just allow that energy to come forward to be realised and acknowledged, giving you a greater sense and understand of how your yin energy is working with you in your current life time. It may feel very comfortable or it may feel significantly apprehensive and tense. However, what you feel is what you are creating from your yin energy within your life now. Do not judge this, but simply acknowledge it.

Now that you have taken time to understand how your yin energy is working for you currently. Let’s achieve the same for your yang energy. So, call this energy forth from within yourself. Ask “how is my yang energy working with me in my life now?” And just allow for the yang energy to come forward and present itself to you. How does your yang energy feel for you? Does it feel easy or overpowering?

Just take note of how your yang energy feels in this moment and how it is working with you? how you are creating your reality from your yang energy within yourself?

Now, from experiencing your yin and yang energy for a moment, you may have already realised how these two energies are influencing your life currently. It maybe of a positive or negative way? Is it too much or too little? how are you applying your yin and yang energy within your work, study, hobbies, within your family and guiding your children, and so forth? This is quite interesting dear one for you to experience for yourself.

So, now that you have taken time to experience of your yin and yang energy and how it is influencing your life now, let us proceed into a healing. So that whatever is out of balance within your yin and yang energy, can be transmuted by the violet flame and brought into a transformation of harmony, balance, and alignment within yourself. And assist you within your life and all that you are achieving.
So, I master St. Germain now call forth from within the spiritual inner planes the masculine aspect of the violet flame. Simply feel this energy flowing down, what you may sense is that it comes down through your crown chakra and circles around your chakra’s, as your chakra’s hold a masculine and feminine aspect. The masculine aspect of the violet flame consciousness is following the masculine yang energy path down through your charka column, just take a moment to sense and acknowledge of the masculine aspect of the violet flame working appropriately for you now, clearing your masculine spiritual ancestry and from all your past lifetimes as a male. Bringing a transmutation and transformation within your yang energy.


I Goddess Portia now step forward to complete of this violet flame healing session. I now call forth from within the inner spiritual planes the feminine aspect of the violet flame consciousness to descend through your chakra column and following your yin path within yourself and bring forth a transmutation and transformation within your feminine ancestry and all your lifetimes you have experienced as a female. Allow dear one for the yin aspect of the violet flame consciousness to flow in a pattern around your chakras, following the yin path within yourself.

You may notice that now we have brought in the yin energy aspect of the violet flame consciousness, an immediate soothing and calming feeling is being created from both aspects of the violet flame consciousness flowing through you now. Allow for a moment to sit within the harmony of these two energies.


While both the masculine and feminine consciousness is flowing through your chakra column. we ask that this healing session is carried out on all levels of your being on a past, present, and future of self.
Healing your past lives and ancestry connection in its masculine and feminine, healing any conditions that has been carried forward into your current life time, and sending this healing into your future path before you.

Creating an energy of balance and harmony for you to walk forward and into a greater realisation of self.

It is time now within your ascension on the earth to gain more of a self-mastery within your yin and yang energy of self as a soul, and this is what true mastery is about now. Not to be over forceful, not to feel supressed, but to be within a harmony, loving, and wise flow. Bringing forth of your true potential and qualities that you have within the divine truth of all that you are.

Sometimes, one’s ascension can be carried out with too much yang energy, too much force, and at times not enough yin energy to sooth and nurture of your ascension process. So, I would like for yourself to ask a question. “how is my ascension growth presenting itself?” and just allow for your soul to give you that answer. Again, do not judge yourself, but just observe how your ascension growth is being carried out in your reality on the earth now, how you are creating and demonstrating of your ascension growth for yourself and others now?. It is always helpful to tune in and be aware of how you are creating of your ascension, because your ascension is not just about experiencing different tests, and passages of right, you are creating your ascension for yourself in every moment, there will always be divine lessons involved that are presented to you, but at the same time it is you that are creating of your own ascension. We Ascended Masters cannot influence your ascension, it is yours to create, to manifest, and evolve into. And this is to why your ascension is so personal and unique to every soul on the earth, there is no one set way, method, teaching to achieve ascension, it simply is being created from within yourself in every moment, allowing you to feel drawn and guided to what feels right to learn and experience lifetime to lifetime. So, we would like to now expand this healing into the ascension path that you are building and creating within every moment. We use the term and visualisation of an ascension path to help you to realise and tune into how your ascension is progressing.

So, visualise and see before you now your ascension path that you are building, creating, and manifesting in every moment. How does your ascension path look to you?, is it clean and tidy?, are there any bumps within the path?, what colour does your ascension path present to you?. And just take now of what comes to you in this meditation, it all has a meaning and message for you to realise for yourself now, that will assist you In your ongoing ascension growth.

Feel, sense, and acknowledge now beloved one, the violet flame within its masculine and feminine aspect flowing along your ascension path now, transmuting all that no longer serves you within your ascension, and making way for new opportunities to be seen on your ascension path instead and within your reality on the earth. Have a sense, realisation, and acknowledgement, of once again of yourself standing on your ascension path, walking forward along this path with the violet flame within its masculine and feminine aspect flowing before you, taking down any hindrances that no longer serve you in your ascension, allow for yourself to walk forward along your ascension path as far as you can go, remember your ascension path is eternal, there is no ending to your ascension path so, allow yourself guided by your soul and spiritual guides; now that the violet flame has made way for your greatest good, for you to walk along further, take a leap- forward along your ascension path, move forward along your ascension path as much as what feels comfortable and right for you to do, and when you feel that you have reached the point where you have allowed yourself to reach a point in your ascension path where it is truly right for you to be now, allow for yourself to feel settled there, and this is where you can be within your ascension now and your evolution of your souls growth for your greatest good.

For some of you there may have been a little way forward, for others you may have felt there was a leap forward. What you feel that you have achieved was right for you, when you feel guided within yourself to do this meditation again you may feel that the space that you cover will be different, it may be not as much, or is more than it was last time. So, we want to congratulate you on the massive development that you have achieved for yourself now within this meditation.

We advise that this mediation can be repeated once per month, or leave it longer. As you need the time on the earth to experience and be a part of your ongoing creation of your reality on the earth. Then the violet flame within its masculine and feminine aspects can be of a further support for you within your ascension again.

In love and light

We are Ascended Master St. Germain and Goddess Portia

So, I ask for you to just take some deep relaxing breaths into your being, and exhaling deeply, brining your spirit back into your physical body more fully, allow your guardian angel to guide you, feel your physical self now, be aware of the room that you are within, and allow for your energy to flow down into the earth. You can ask the consciousness of Mother Earth to help ground your energy and ask that your guardian angel continues to protect and support you while you continue to integrate and embody the healing of which you have received and open your eyes when you are ready.
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