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Hypnosis Training Course
Date: 25-Sep-2024 9:00 AM

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Spiritual wellbeing Event
Date: 29-Sep-2024 10:00 AM

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Shropshire Wellbeing Festival
Date: 29-Sep-2024 10:30 AM

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Date: 29-Sep-2024 5:00 PM

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Murston Heart Sound Journey (29th September 2024)
Date: 29-Sep-2024 7:00 PM

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Date: 01-Oct-2024 7:00 PM

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Charity Native American Mind Body Spirit Fayre
Date: 05-Oct-2024 10:30 AM

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Date: 06-Oct-2024 10:30 AM

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Soul Vibe Festival
Date: 06-Oct-2024 10:30 AM

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Totnes Holistic Fair
Date: 11-Oct-2024 10:00 AM

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UK Tarot Conference
Date: 11-Oct-2024 10:00 AM

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TJ Higgs at SoulFest - TJ will be presenting a Talk on Grief and Workshop on Past Lives
Date: 11-Oct-2024 4:00 PM

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Chepstow MBS 2024
Date: 19-Oct-2024 10:00 AM

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In Good Spirit - Psychic & Holistic Fairs
Date: 17-Nov-2024 10:00 AM

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John: we have to train you, as Jesus trained us......

By:Joan, channeling John
Date: Wed,27 Apr 2016

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John: we have to train you, as Jesus trained us…..
Speaking through Joan, 26th April, 2016

God bless you. You know who we are. Gabrielle and Julia. We come with love and ask that at this moment you will give out love, each one of you. Send the Light outward. Now, we stand aside.

* * * * *

I am John. I have come once before to speak to you and I come now with a message to the world, each of you individually. I have come to remind you of The Master’s words. Did he not say ‘faith’, ‘have faith’, and did I not say before that many times he had to renew that faith within us until we were steady and strong. That is what I want to do for you today, to ask you to have faith. If you fall down in that faith, get up and walk ahead. I remind you that you each has within the Holy Spirit and it is the Holy Spirit that faith will lead you to because it is faith in the Holy Spirit within that will help you to overcome the burdens of the earth. We know what you are going through because in another time, we too had to cope with difficulties day by day and therefore we understand the hardships that present themselves to you. We say in Spirit that we are indeed under the guidance of The Christ, Jesus and if each of you can remember the faith He taught and that He lifted us by faith, He taught each of us faith, which I am now relating to all of you. Have faith. Have the faith to know that if you can go within yourselves and reach up into the God within you, the Light within you – don’t you see what it did for us? We were able to heal. We were able to tune in to Spirit and we were able to hear all the prophets. We could hear the directions that they gave us. That is power and the power that The Lord Jesus gives you is to look inward, pray with all your heart and soul, pray for love, pray for the upliftment of your fellow man and sit quietly, go upward in your mind, in your imagination that you have been given. Go upward and go towards the great and holy Light that is within you. If you reach that Light through prayer and quietude, you will find then that the great, great Higher Self can enter the physical body. Then, all will be made straight for you. But it is this that we have to train you to do, like we were trained. We were trained as when we walked from place to place, Jesus used to talk to us. He used to explain in a simple manner that we should love one another, to walk the path knowing that faith alone would help us because faith would lead us to the Higher Self within, as it will with each of you.
Can you not see what I am trying to do for you today? I am trying to lift you because the influence of the great, great Jesus and the Christ within Him sends out these wonderful influences to help you. He loves each one of you. You are precious in His sight and He wants to help each one on this planet earth to lift themselves up now into a higher Light that is within you. Walk the path of faith. Walk the path knowing that whatever difficulties you are in will be swept away because of your faith and your trust in your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is the glory of all. It is like the glowing sun within you. It is the spiritual sun and it glows. It sends out wonderful beams of Light.

So, I want you to sit quietly, as we did. We used to sit quietly and in our quietness we could hear the voices of those who had gone before us and who had learnt. We were able to listen and that is what I want you to do. I want you to listen, to be quiet and listen. If you do this regularly, you will find that you will hear. You will hear the voice of the God within you and you will feel the beams of that Light entering into your very soul. You will feel united, lifted, feel a wonderful glow within you that helps you to walk the path of the earth. It will sweep away all the difficulties, giving you the strength and courage, because you have listened. In your listening, you will hear uplifting words from Spirit, words that will give you an understanding of what you must do and why you are here. Do you realise that you are a child of God and when you first came, eons ago, he put within you The Christ Light because The Christ is the Son of God. He gave each one of you that part of Himself and it is to this part that I ask that you develop within yourself quietude, stillness and listen. You won’t hear a voice as you can hear now as I speak. You will here a whispering, a low whispering, soft, and as you sit quietly, every time you sit and you give your heart and your prayer to The Christ above, listen and the voice will become a little stronger. Then, when you can hear clearly, you will know that it is the voice and the influence of The Christ.

My children, and I say ‘my children’ because you are, you know, you are a child of God, I want you to understand that the gift that has been given to you must be earned by your watching your thoughts, examining your thoughts as your thoughts do attach themselves to the emotions. So, think to yourself when you are in disagreement with your fellow man, why you are upset. Why do you feel angry, resentful. Get into the habit of asking yourself ‘why?’ and you will find that the answer will be given to you. Sometimes your reaction is a reflection of what goes on within you, meaning that you have resentment within yourself. Whatever happens, analyse your emotions. Question them. There is a reason why you have them. Does the problem lie within yourself or with the one who has upset you? If it is with one other than you, send love, send a blessing. Ask that whatever is in your subconscious mind be brought into the open so that you can deal with it but first, watch your thoughts. You may ask how you can watch your thoughts. When you have a thought come to mind that is unworthy, and you will know it is unworthy, caste it out. Caste it out and acknowledge that you belong to The Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit will not let you harbour such a thought. So, you will dismiss it as you turn to the Light.

My message today is faith and trust. Your faith will carry you upward. Sit quietly as often as you can. It is important. As you do this you will build up a Light around and within you. That Light joins with other Lights as it needs to do because of the disturbance that is going throughout the world at this moment. I come with love. I come to give you this advice and I pray that you will realise that I come under Jesus’ influence. I have prayed and I have asked that the dear, dear loving Master will send his love and his influence to bear upon the words that I have spoken this day. He sends His love and states that each one of you is precious in His sight. He loves you all. Pray you will listen to His words spoken through me today. A great blessing is given to the world and to each of you to love one another. I will leave you now to Sisters Julia and Gabrielle. God bless you all.

* * * * *

I am Julia and Gabrielle stands by my side. We have been uplifted by the power and the glory that has been given to us and through The Christ that is within each one of you. But you have to work for this by your thoughts, controlling your thoughts and your emotions. God bless you and keep you forever more in God’s Light. Amen for such a wonderful blessing that you have received this day. Amen.
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