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Jacky Newcomb
'Angel Kids’ – the new Psychic Children
By Jacky Newcomb
Children who can read their parents private thoughts…youngsters who talk to their deceased grandparents and others who can see their guardian angels…? This is not science fiction but science fact.
So great is the influx of children with psychic abilities at this time in history that I believe ‘psychic children’ is the new normal. I receive hundreds of e-mails and letters from all over the world from parents of this new generation. Some parents are frightened, others intrigued and yet others are just proud of their children’s abilities.
Do you have a psychic child?
It’s likely that you will have noticed unusual behaviour from an early age. Children today are not like they were when we were young and although each child varies in their experience and abilities there are some common traits;
• They talk to ‘themselves’ but leave gaps in the conversation for another to answer!
• They are often sensitive to others feelings
• Psychic children usually spend a lot of time outdoors and with animals
• Have a fascination with crystals
• Seem to know things that they have no previous knowledge of
Attracting spirits
‘Being psychic’ means that the child may well attract spirit activity around them. Often psychic children have mediumistic abilities (can see and talk to sprits on ‘the other side’). Sometimes this can be a blessing, especially if your child brings loving messages from your own relatives in spirit. But sometimes this can be a real problem, especially if the spirits are unknown or unwanted.
These ghostly visitors know that the children can see them and usually just want to be noticed. Some want the child to pass on messages to their own deceased relatives (not likely when the children are particularly young!)
Removing spirits
Getting rid of unwanted spirits is usually fairly straight forward. Often simply asking them to leave is enough. You can try a polite ‘please don’t visit the children when its

Angel Kids by Jacky Newcomb
time for them to go to sleep’, works well.
More difficult cases can often be ‘cured’ by placing angel figurines in the room, especially if you ask the figure of the Archangel Michael (the warrior angel) to stand guard…seriously this works!
If your spirit visitors don’t respond to these techniques then it might be time to call in an expert for assistance. Above all remain polite but firm with your unwanted callers. Just remember whose house it is!
Case Histories
Jayne Rees, a 35 year old nurse and her husband Jeff have three sons. Oldest Sam, aged 10 almost died as a baby following life threatening allergies. At one point he left his body and saw a man with a yellow dog who looked after him before his soul returned to the body on the hospital bed below.
Sam never forgot the experience and years later spotted a photograph of his great granddad who died before Sam was born. Sam recognised ‘the man’ immediately who was photographed alongside his golden Labrador Sally!
Jasmine had ‘imaginary’ friends as a young girl…or were they? The three year old described her visitor ‘Becky’ who went everywhere with the family. Becky apparently wore Victorian style clothes of a type that Jasmine wouldn’t have any knowledge about.
At 17 Jasmine’s grandfather passed away but it wasn’t long before he visited Jasmine in a dream. ‘The dream was a real experience and I was so excited to see him that I jumped up and down in excitement before I went over for a hug like I did when he was alive. I wasn’t the only one though because Granddad visited several members of the family after he passed over, including my young cousins.
Jacky Newcomb is an award winning, Sunday Times best selling author. Her book ANGEL KIDS: Enchanting stories of true-life guardian angels and ‘sixth-sense’ abilities in children is published by Hay House.
For more information about Jacky and her work visit;
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