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Event Advert - Right Hand Margin
The price is a one-off fee of £14.99 to appear until your event date passes. Advert appears across all pages and all regions. There is a £8.99 version which is also a one-off fee to appear on all pages but across your chosen local region only. Your event is also listed in our regional newsletters.
Add Event and Choose Either £14.99 or £8.99 option
Add Event Advert
Regular Banner Adverts
You can place your own banner advert on our site which points directly to your website. The price range is from £10, £12, £15, £20 and £30 per month depending on placement. We can also help design adverts for free. Contact details at the bottom of this page.
Stats for 2012
Total | Stat Category |
3,600 | Events added in 2012 |
1,600 | Articles added in 2012 |
1,212,694 | Articles Read in 2012 |
5,693 | Articles Liked in 2012 |
472,000 | Unique Visitors in 2012 |
39,000+ | Unique Visitors averaged per month in 2012 |
50,000+ | Podcast interviews downloaded in 2012 |
218,000+ | Podcasts watched via YouTube in 2012 |
24,000 | Facebook Members |
5,634 | TheSpiritGuidesNetwork Members |
Adding Events
It's free to add events to a single region. The advert will appear in a basic format with no photo or web links.
You can upgrade your event at any time. Upgraded events appear in our weekly targeted newsletters. We email people who have requested to be kept up to date with events happening in their area.
£3 one-off payment ensures your event is in all local newsletters.
£5 one-off payment ensures your event is in all regional newsletters.
Add EventTo start adding your events, click here.Featured Events
You can now advertise your events or workshops in the right hand column of all our pages. The adverts stays until your event expires.
Box Advert Event Advert Rates
£8.99 Appears across your local regional sites.
£14.99 Appears across all regional sites, newsletters and our social network.
These adverts appear until the event expires. We can also uprade your box adverts into a banner graphic. Please contact us for more info.
Add Event Advert - Choose £8.99 or £14.99 Box Advert OptionSummary of Upgrade Options:
Option 1 - For just £3 you will be included in our weekly newsletter for your region, syndicated to our social networks coming soon list and featured on our events ticker and home page coming soon list.
Option 2 - For just £5 we can simply list your event on all regional sites and newsletters, your event will also appear on all pages of our social network.
Option 3 - For just £8.99 we can display your text event as a box advert in the right margin to appear on every page of your local regional sites, including articles, our podcast radio show, spiritual directory and event pages. For an additonal £10 we can create it into a graphic advert instead.
Option 4 - For just £14.99 we can display your event across all regions and appear as a box advert on every page of all our sites, including our articles, our podcast show, spiritual directory, social network and newsletters . For an additonal £10 we can create it into a graphic advert instead.
Contact details at the bottom.
Add Your Event
Banner Adverts
Call 07967 595893 or email: support @
(remove the spaces around the @ sign)
or contact us. Please leave a contact phone number.
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