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Joseph is here again with his video No5.
It is a message from Star People, in it "They" explain a little about themselves and to me there is a very interesting part where "They" tell us they have been many times before to Earth and shown themselves to mankind and how mankind believed they were "GOD's" and would not accept there were not GOD's even though they told them so. They go on to say that this is why mankind believes there are "God's in the sky"
Now if you go with this sort of thinking (And I do because I get their words in MY HEAD) then what they are saying is there is no GOD for it was them all along, and if there is no GOD then how can there be Angels and Archangels. All of it is to do with powerful men of long ago... they made all of it up and still people are fully into it even though we are all being asked to "Let go of the OLD to let in the new" and unless you can do this and really start to open your mind to other possibilities then how can you "Really move on"
I am not saying that anyone must do anything "Free will and what they wish to do is up to them" and I don't I have all the answers, but I do say "You need to change" mankind has been in all this religious stuff for thousands of years and look where we are and whoever is giving these Angel messages are trying to keep us there... that's why I refuse to see it their way or take any of it in. These messages are not mine made up they really do come from “Star People” well that’s what I believe but I know others don’t like what I am writing, they say I am getting my stuff from the “Dark side” as if they know the truth of anything if they believe all this religious stuff. Love and light to all … Joseph Starman.
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