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Ascension Age 2012 & Beyond
Alien ET Persuasion vs. Angel Spirit Faith in Omniverse
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
I believe in ancient astronauts as our ancient ancestors did. I also believe alien civilizations exist. I have found a way to be at peace inside my soul.
I enjoyed the last century with the old time religion but then I found I liked the Old Path of the Wiccan and Mother Goddess better and more agreeable.
I was raised an American Christian in the United States of America. Maybe the alien ET persuasion is actually the angel spirit faith that my ancestors believed in. It could be that Jesus was from above being that he said he was not from this world was but from one above. I believe a different way than most of my Christian friends here in Western Kentucky, which just happens to be a part of the country called the Bible belt.
Is it possible to be spiritual and not religious? I believe we can have a spiritual life without conforming to a particular religion. I believe that this is where we are all headed on planet earth in the new Ascension Age.
I have had ET experiences and UFO sightings. I have memories of beings that are my family in space. Does this make me delusional, as some would have me think and believe? I want to believe in the spirit and Nature’s God as the energy that flows in and out of all of us like the breath of life.
We are leaving behind the old ways of the church and state with empires and will be entering a new era of mediation and unity of our spirits.
What this will mean in the future depends on all of us on the planet. We are all human beings and we are Homo sapiens who believe we come from those above. Regardless of how we prefer to worship, we will need to go by the universal rights of all people in this world and not by our religions, which divide us.
Comfort of the spirit is important for us all. Some of us may not realize how important being comfortable inside our own body-mind-spirit we become. We have a saying here in the hills of Kentucky that seems like it always applies to those who are close to death. Most of the middle-aged folks will say that a person who is on their deathbed will find the Lord. Some I have seen die alone and the assured me that in their lifetime there was no God and that the Bible was a fairy tale of men to keep order in the past by those in charge.
Grandpa John Crystal Morris died at 108 years 11 months in October 2008.
He never was ill nor had a headache his whole life, which he devoted to God. He found peace in his spirit by becoming a preacher of the word of God. He believed in the Bible and actually was writing articles for the weekly church page in the local newspaper when he died. He believed and asks me to carry on with the spirit, which he believed I had. I told him I would and yet I never told him about my extraterrestrial experiences.
I feel my ET experiences were peaceful and gratifying to me. They were for me to learn about life and how to become a writer to assist others in their time of need.
I do not know how not to be a Christian because that is how I always described myself to others when asked. I never met the man Jesus in person but I do believe he was real at a time when he was needed on earth. I do not believe he is like the Santa Clause archetype. I believe that he was a metaphysician.
Some people have become weary of me because I am a spiritual being and write with the words of one who seems to be talking many world religions.
I have studied and practiced some Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, and become a Tantrica in Tantra Yoga. I have learned about the men of the masons and learned how those who founded the United States of America believed in Nature’s God and did not want religion to become a part of our new world. There was a time when science and enlightenment were more for people of reason and brought forth-critical thinking for one’s own self.
There is a time on earth when we are brought into our casing as our human vessel. We call this birth or those who are awaiting our arrival are greeting us as a newborn baby fresh from our biological mother’s womb.
It is very hard to separate the spiritual energy from the physical body. A mother feels her child inside of her and we know we can trace the growth process of humanoid life forms almost from the time of inception. We have tests that we can use at home we call pregnancy tests which are strips that allow one to know at the time a woman suspects her menstrual period is late.
How can we ignore that our spiritual being has nothing to do with our own personal energy that we relate too inside our own neurological system and brain? There has to be energy as spirit, which we train to have our thoughts and memories, that we relate too whether we are awake or sleeping.
When we are sleeping, we are dreaming.
I am going to share some of my own personal thoughts and use my own experiences to share my story.
I honestly do not recall memories of being in my mother’s womb/
However, I do have memories prior to that. My stories will not make sense to most of my readers because I have shared so much of my past already.
I have been doing much of what we call soul searching.
I am at a time in this lifetime when I am in the middle of my grown children who are all now considered middle aged with children of their own and seeing my husband and mother both in ill health.
It is a time of reflex ion and on many nights of grieving for my mother and husband’s pain.
We all have a part of us inside that we in America have learned to share as our good and bad sides.
What I have learned about those who are extraterrestrials is not very harmful or pleasant.
I have memories that are from past life memories.
Some of my memories I received when I died and left my physical body.
I fall into the parapsychology areas of study due to my near death and out of body experiences in life.
I have decided to share that I am researching the parts of me that are all within me as one sentient intelligent being and am considered humanoid.
However, I am wondering how to proceed with proving what I know to be me versus the other parts of me that are memories of my past lives.
There seems to be some correlation and a permanent energy that allows all of the memories to be on a time line.
This is why I believe that people like me are considered time travelers because we have to have some facsimile of a time line in order to have memories of our past, which is long before we are born in this lifetime.
Those who are into the spiritual realms and believe in spirits and possible ghosts may have an easier time of understanding people with memories of past lives.
One might ask what does this have to do with aliens and extraterrestrials or angels and spirits. One might think that I am prone toward fantasy and fiction and this is not the case. I have a very hard time writing anything in fantasy and my imagination is lacking in that department.
I know because my husband and mother are writers and I see at what east they can find the words to write fiction when I can only seem to base all my writing on memories and experiences.
What has been nagging at me inside lately is the fact that I know that I must find a way to explain to others that which I am feeling about time as it approaches.
There are many who want to understand more about their

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own spiritual insight into what shall happen to them when the date of December 21, 2012 arrives.
It is my understanding in the world in which we live that we are all preparing for a major shift in the world that we realize may occur due to the planet aligning with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and our sun.
This will happen and we will survive or most of us will on this planet.
There are some of us who have had alien extraterrestrial experiences that feel that there is a time approaching much like that of the character Richard Dreyfuss player in the Close Encounters written and directed by Steven Spielberg.
We all seem to be sharing our thoughts with others who have various ideas of what might occur about this time on earth. We are wondering about the writers who offered us the “Left Behind” books and if we were all made to feel Christian faith believers have it right by believing in a savior for all of us who are here on earth. Most of us are choosing to go with the charismatic feelings and artful attitudes of our family and friends who attend church regularly. There is a revival of spiritual energy among those who want to believe in the being we call the son of God named Jesus.
How can we not talk about that subject as it relates to Jesus leaving earth and ascending up as in a cloud?
In addition, he said unto them, “Ye are from beneath, I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.” St. John 8 verse 23
There is so much written that can be interpreted to relate to aliens and extraterrestrials.
So many people will not listen when we speak of religions and quote from the Bible.
However, I have to admit that it is the words of the ancient ancestors in these stories of old that bring peace and I have seen many worried and troubled human beings who have sought peace and healing with these words that were created and recorded.
What if we are still to create and record words for others who will follow us?
The Bible is the most loved and purchased book in the world. It has out sold and out lasted all other books on this planet in all languages.
There has to be something that still binds us all together and that could be what is in the words, which are sacred to some and can be shared with so many on earth.
The angels are real according to the scriptures and there are angels who are said to comfort us here on earth and in heaven.
I pray and I do not consider myself religious because I feel that I am a spiritual being. I prefer to have one on one time with my creators whom I consider both a Heavenly Mother and Father. I choose to treat them both equal. There have been many times when I prayed to my father and my prayers were not answered. I would then pray to my Heavenly Mother and she would answer my prayers. Not this has happened on many occasions over the years.
As a child, I only prayer to my father in heaven. I was not told of a mother in heaven although now it seems only natural to have both. I cannot understand why we on earth were not told to pray to our mother in heaven.
I was a protestant and Catholics from what I am told will pray to Mother Mary and other saints. I have sisters who went to Catholic schools two out of three, and the other one is now a Catholic and married a Catholic for life.
Families usually will all attend the same faith but as my family got older and had their own children all my brothers, sisters did their own thing spiritually, and this included choosing their own faith for their children.
I have those who know that I believe in the words of the Bible and that I believe in angels and God. It is just that I do not believe I am religious because I practice no one religion. I call myself a Christian but I do not attend a formal gathering anymore. I did last year for a short time before my husband became ill.
When I was in Houston, I preferred the Unity Church that was shaped like a pyramid. This is not the Universalist but a church called Unity. I was comfortable there with those who attended church. I was a Latter Day Saint or what people call Mormons. I have studied all the world religions and I just do not feel as close to God going to church as I do praying in private.
I am sure there are others who feel the same as I do.
There will be some who will wonder how I can be a paranormal writer, consider myself a spiritual person, and not go to church with others in a formal setting as a church or temple.
This is something that I have struggled with all my adult life. I went with others while in the military. I go occasionally with my husband to his sister’s family and friends church called New Hope nondenominational but it is an old country type that is a Christian church with an alter where one can kneel and a pulpit up front.
I want to share my stories of my past lives and my memories with my other family in space but it seems so personal and so hard to find the words to share when I feel that I will not be understood or believed. My truth is sacred to me and will simply be another paranormal story to others.
I tried to tell one of my readers that I was not religious but was spiritual and I did not want to feel harsh towards him for warning others of my stories. I did not feel that I was religious and that I only shared what I believed to be closer to the New Age Ascension beliefs of being spiritual and using Jesus as a role model or archetype as we do so many other prophets and masters who came with information. It is just that we share many angels and avatar Agashan ascended masters with the thoughts of others who have come before as reincarnates.
It is hard to explain the way that so many of us feel about those who came before as writers and scribes. They shared their lives in their words and now it is up to us to share our lives and our words.
I may be misunderstood but I have honestly had experiences both on this planet and off in this physical reality and in other realities we call other dimensions and in other worlds.
I have learned about the five rings of the Omniverse with the five levels in space, which also coincide, with the five sizes of the God Particle, which will ebb, and flow through all that we know to be matter and antimatter.
It is time we all know more about the future, which deals not only in this universe, but also in the multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and Omniverse. We will probably come up with the other universes as the polyverse and this is okay for we are still learning about all that lies outside of this universe.
This universe is oval shaped, as is the larger exosphere or xenosphere. There are branes that are levels or sheets of energy that stand up and down like sheets hanging on a line in the breeze here on earth. The branes attract these various universes that float on waves in and out of what we presently call antimatter. This is all around all the universes, which all accumulate inside an area that mirrors itself like what we would call an infinity sign or an eight laying on its side. This figure 8 is the two ovals of the outside of the Omniverse. There is an equal and opposite of each or mirror or parallel universe on each side. It is like having a math problem and we have to have something on each side of the equation bar. I am trying to share that which I know exists outside of our own universe. I have seen these maps of the universes the way we may think of star maps.
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