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When Spirit of Anthony first inspired me to work as a medium I was still struggling with my technique and needed practice. Like most mediums that I know I considered myself always in development, an ongoing process, but I had learnt to trust my Spirit Guardian, so if I was meant to work then work I would. Doing any kind of performance in front of an audience is quite daunting, so you need to get on with it to build confidence.
After stumbling a few times in my early demonstrations of clairvoyance at the Institute of Spiritualist Mediums and in circles, Spirit of Anthony sent me the most amazing gift….a butterfly that later manifested as a young nun called Clara. One day during a meditation that took me along a country lane, a blue yellow and silver butterfly landed near me and then took off clearly wanting me to follow. The butterfly led me across a wide pasture to what I assumed was a spiritualist church and inside I was amazed to find that the butterfly had transformed itself into a young nun dressed in a blue and yellow habit. She told me she was called Clara. We stood talking bathed in coloured light from a stained glass window, which I later discovered pictured Saint Francis of Assisi surrounded by birds and animals. (no I’m not a Christian, but Spirit of Anthony has shown me that I have a connection to Francis through previous incarnations. To this day I keep a copy of St. Francis’s Prayer in my wallet – his totally non-materialist approach to his faith accords with my own).
What Clara told me was that she would be my gatekeeper and act as guide for my clairvoyance work. And oh boy did she do just that! From then on if I were going to a church or venue to do a demonstration she would appear beforehand and show me a view of the audience or congregation, picking out people who needed a message. Sure enough there they would be when I settled onto the rostrum or stage. Not only that but Clara would stand to my right and usher in people from spirit who wished to communicate. It was marvellous and if I faltered she would be there to help me. I am sure that with her help I was able to serve people far more effectively than I would otherwise have done.
But there was to be yet another extraordinary development much later on. I had been a bit unsettled by an error I had made in a demonstration, misinterpreting what a spirit had said to me and getting it wrong for the person receiving the message. After the event it was sorted out but I was unhappy and asked Spirit of Anthony for his guidance. He told me that I had moved on and needed more direct control over my work. He called upon Clara and standing before me she slowly backed away and in her place appeared a sparkling silver-blue ring, like a shining metallic rope, that looped behind me and out around the room where I was sitting. The effect was extraordinary as I felt the energy vibrating within the loop. Spirit of Anthony told me that I should manifest the silver-blue ring into place around the room wherever I was to work and make sure I brought everyone present within the loop and it would protect them and me from any destructive energy that might try to enter. Now every medium has their own method of working, whatever works for them, but I can say that Clara and the Silver-Blue ring were truly magical. There were so many times when I saw the spark of light switch on in the eyes of an audience, or felt the temperature change inside a hall or a church when I invoked the Silver-Blue ring. On one spectacular occasion I watched in amazement as a soft white mist of energy slowly lifted from the floor and restored the sacred light to a room where darkness had entered. This was witnessed by about twenty five people including several members of our circle, who were heard to exclaim “did you see that…..?” I never ceased to marvel at the exceptional power Spirit of Anthony could bring to a situation.
In a similar way I recall one evening at Spiritworks, Westcliff on Sea, when I had to stand in for the lovely medium Natalie Walker. Natalie had been booked to do a demonstration and the place was jam packed – because she is an excellent medium and has a great reputation. On that particular day I had been feeling very unwell and did not relish the thought of working, but I couldn’t let people down. Natalie lived in North West London in those days and she phoned to say she was stuck in traffic (I can’t remember whether it was on the A406 North Circular or the M25). I felt awful but told the audience I would start the evening off and hopefully Natalie would arrive later. Well I invoked the silver-blue ring and wrapped it around the audience, seeing the energy change in the room as I did it. Faces brightened and there was an eagerness about the people as I started work. The evening well really well and spirit was in evidence throughout. Natalie never made it, which was disappointing as we always loved to see her, but we all had a wonderful time as I worked my way around the room connecting the two worlds.
For me this was a great illustration of faith, that those who are chosen to do this work need more than anything to have total faith and confidence in their Spirit Guardians to come through when needed. Even a traffic jam on the M25 which will often wreck well laid plans for the rest of us, couldn’t defeat spirit!
Stay in the light…..John Norton
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