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On the TV there are numerous stories about 'ghosts' appearing on digital photographs. There is nothing new. Ghost photography, also known as 'spirit photography,' emerged in the 1860s - and extended to the 1930s. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a firm believer in ghosts appearing in photographs. His friend, Houdini, in contrast, was a determined debunker. Anyone interested in the topic of Victorian 'spirit photography' might like to look at my blog: Some readers might also be interested in my novel Ghostly Images, published by LL-Publications and also available on Amazon. It is set in Whitby in 1894 and deals with spirit photography. David Taylor didn't believe in the paranormal when he reluctantly became a spirit photographer. When ominous shadows appear on the photographs of young women slain by the Whitby Ripper, David is forced to think the unthinkable. Could his camera possess psychic powers that can predict death and expose a killer?
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