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I’m sitting in my office with a cup of coffee & several ginger biscuits thinking about how I’ve got to day 5 of my blog about my psychic life. And about the past few days when I’ve been aware that I would be writing a blog that shared something of my activities. The challenge to write about my day has made me take more notice. It’s sharpened up my observation of what has been happening. It’s also helped remind me of all the great things I get to do and why I chose this life. It’s also reaffirmed how much I enjoy sharing experiences that help people view their lives in a different way. I realise I’ve turned into an active learner – curious, ready to give things a go, to get stuck in & make sense of it afterwards. It’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever been given.
I love books & always have. As a teenager most of my angst was discovered in the pages of books. I read anything & everything – fiction & non-fiction. It’s a cherished habit I still keep (even if I don’t make so much time to read as I once did). Books opened me up to other worlds, other cultures, the experiences of others. The words flowing across the page are spellbinding. If I get a book that grabs my attention I will stay up most of the night to finish reading it. I found it painful to realise that the wonder of books isn’t always carried over into the ‘real’ world. So in my 20’s I diverted into research – or rather, reading about research. Other people had the experiences, drew the conclusions & suggested ways I should filter my experience of the world. Think about all those diet books, DIY, cookery, travel books that are sitting on your shelf at the moment. Have you done what they all write about? Best of all, the books about parenting. I had loads. But they all contradicted themselves & I gave up reading them when I found the ‘one’ that appealed most to me. I can’t say I followed it but I did read it.
So where is all this going – more words, lol. I love books but I’ve stepped away from them. It wasn’t a painful separation as I still read. But now I read a lot less. I came across a subject that has had so many books written about it in the last 150 years that it would be impossible to read them all. Yes, it’s the info about being psychic or a medium. I have read a lot in the last 15 years or so but my reading list would still only scratch the surface. I read because I wanted to understand what this phenomenon was. I read because I was sceptical. I read because the personal stories were fascinating. I read across, around, and to the sides of the subject. The reading didn’t help me truly understand what being psychic or a medium was about. But still I kept reading.
Ten years ago I had some events happening in my life that were undeniable evidence that ‘something’ was actively trying to connect me with the world of mediumship. Total strangers were giving me indirect messages about developing my psychic ability. It was too random to be chance, if you know what I mean. So I found a spiritualist church near to me (but not the one that was closest) & stepped inside another world. Not necessarily a world I was totally unfamiliar with but certainly I world I had never experienced. And that is when the magic happened. In stepping into that new world – opening my mind to the possibility it might be ‘real’ – I found a new way of living my life. Contact with Guides can’t be learned through the covers of a book. You have to be open & listening. The books I’d read & continued to read helped me to understand some of what was happening & the process I was engaged in. It was the personal experiences, each random (at first) contact, each experiment to connect & each botched attempt that showed me how I connect & work.
Now I realise the value of experience. Not just because I’m in the second half of my life. I know that to try something might help me decide if I want more of it or less. Might help me to encourage others to try if they want more or less of something. That experience leads to choices. Giving people the choice to see me connect to Energy Beings through trance, or a reading or when I do a service in a church or spiritual centre can help them to decide if they want more connection or less. I’m not one for hiding aspects of my work away. For making the language or the process of experiencing Spirit contact difficult. So I intend to keep on sharing my experiences with others via my blog & my work in the hope that one day you will try out your own psychic abilities too. Having restated my purpose in life I’m going home for a rare evening off!
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