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Today I’ve had a chance to do something else I love. I’ve been to Wakefield Spiritualist church where I was the medium bringing in both philosophy and messages. When I started to recognise that I was connecting with Energy Beings I had no practical idea how to work with the messages, what was happening & why I should be getting these connections in the first place. I began searching for a place locally where I could find out more.
From my reading about Spiritualism I knew there were lots of different ways that connection could work so I needed to find someone who was teaching in ways I could relate to my experience. In the end, I found my way – directed by my Guides – to a church. Not exactly where I had expected to go. I stepped away from religion quite some time ago. Not through absence of belief in a Divine Source but because the different belief systems seems to be lacking in any meaningful recognition of women as equal participants. Yet I needed to return to a church so that I could get the help I needed.
Eventually I joined a development circle – a group meeting every week under the leadership of an experienced medium – to try to understand what the connections were about. I remember in my very first class everyone was saying they wanted to work with Spirit to give public messages or do church services or big public events. I sat there & when it was my turn I explained that things were happening that I wanted to know about & understand but that I would never, ever be getting on a platform (the name for the stage area at the front of a church). Famous last words indeed. Seven months later that’s exactly where I was standing, with my teacher, in a different church, giving my first public messages.
For whatever reason it has been my privilege to work in churches & spiritual centres ever since. And it is a privilege. People find their way to the churches & centres because they are grieving or puzzled or seeking answers. In most of the churches & centres I have worked in they will always find a warm welcome, information & support. It’s also free. Their loved ones in Spirit will always try to find a way to get a message to them – one way or another. In a service it’s not usually possible to get to every single person. I work as an evidence-based medium so in my messages I want info that will identify who the Spirit is, that they link in some way to the person who is getting the message and then what they want to tell that person. That process usually takes about 6-7 mins so in a 45 min period the number of people I speak to will be less than the congregation who are there. That is where another part of the service can be really useful.
There is a type of mediumship called Philosophy or an Address – I call it wise words – which, like a sermon, is about Guides giving a greater understanding of the spiritual principles by which we can live our lives. Sometimes this guidance is given through inspired writing – hence all the channeled books about the afterlife, living an Earth life or spiritual teachings. This is really like a general topical message to everyone in the room – me included. Certainly the inspirers who work through me always include me in the content – I need help too in making choices when I’m caught up in the events of the world. We are never told what to do. The wise words are always about offering us a different point of view to consider.
Working in these places has been my way of helping keep them active. Most churches or centres are kept open by volunteers who word hard to raise money to keep everything running. They usually only ask for a contribution to a collection in the service & put on other events for a lot less than a theatre or club would charge. If you are new to readings & the Spirit world they are an excellent starting point. The doors are open to everyone – belief isn’t required. So to see mediums like me working, week in & week out, find your local church or centre & pay a visit. You might even get a message!
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