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Sometimes you have to learn spiritual lessons the hard way. I found this out personally when I argued with a demon.
I had been doing channeling/communicating with the deceased for hundreds of people over the years. At that time I had been channeling a superstar who recently passed over and was posting the messages on my blog.
Being use to seeing spirits of all sorts, I always used spiritual protection during this work. Therefore I considered myself protected from any negative forces. How wrong I was!
One day a demon appeared before me. This demon looked almost human and was dressed as a human, but had the most evil face you can ever imagine. I have seen many evil spirits throughout my life, therefore, this one did not frighten me.
The demon said, “Stop channeling this celebrity! You will regret this very quickly.”
“Who are you to tell me what to do?” I responded being the stubborn person that I am.
“Just keep doing this and you will find out,” he answered.
“I don’t care who you are, you are not going to tell me what I can and cannot do!”
“Remember, you have been warned,” was all he said as he looked at me and laughed. He then disappeared.
I was not scared or shaken up because I really felt that no negative force could tell me what I can and cannot do because of my strong spiritual beliefs. I knew that I was helping many people and that is all that I considered.
Well, surprise surprise! Within six weeks I started receiving threatening e-mails, which also included death threats. The source of these threats was coming from another psychic, who felt they were the only person that had the rights to channel celebrities. This person launched a mega campaign against me, sending out media messages and emailing massive groups of people, informing them that I was using my abilities to make money off of a deceased celebrity. This was far from true. I had been channeling the deceased for years before and continue to do so.
I had never heard of this psychic. I believe in just doing my own business and letting others do theirs. I started reading what they were saying about me which was totally untrue.
This unleashed a floodgate of attacks on me. At that point I understood that the demon had given me fair warning and I had chosen not to take heed of the warning.
I still do channelings. If a person had a relationship with a celebrity I would be more than willing to do a channeling, otherwise they can go to someone else who wants fame. I desire only to help people heal, which I find occurs frequently after connecting someone with a deceased loved one.
No matter how spiritually protected you may be, realize it is a spiritual warfare going on! You have to constantly keep protecting yourself. Many people do not believe that this is reality, but I am here to testify that it is! I do not tell you this to live in fear but to live in truth. You have to be intentional in your spirituality. Remember that light penetrates darkness, but darkness never penetrates light.
I learned never argue with a demon and I never will again!
If you would like assistance on learning spiritual protection contact me, Cherokee Billie, and I will teach you all that I have learned.
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