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When Edgar Cayce, the legendary American mystic, prepared to enter his self-induced trance state for a reading, those present were usually aware of some of the questions or instructions which would be asked or given, but normally an excited anticipation enveloped the room as no one could predict what new revelations might be uncovered over the next hour or so. On March 7, 1941, as the afternoon life reading commenced for a three, almost four year old, young miss who was present but much too young to comprehend the process unfolding before her eyes, many a jaw suddenly dropped in unison as Edgar Cayce identified this innocent youngster as the reincarnation of Martha Washington. Here are some excerpts from that afternoon's reading, 2459-1.
"29. Before this, then, the entity was in the land of the present nativity, during the developing of the land in and about portions of Virginia, - Jamestown, Williamsburg, Richmond, Norfolk and the like. These, of course, were under quite a varied or different environ or status from that indicated in the present; but it was at that period when great stress was being laid by the early settlers on great estates and a liking for the creating of the social environs, - during that formative period just previous to and in the early portion of the American Revolution.
"30. The entity was among those who were closer to those activities than would ordinarily be considered. For, the entity eventually became the wife of him known as the father of his country.
"31. In that experience the entity was in that position to know the needs of the many varied kinds, characters, positions and places of activity; yet, as may be gathered much from the life of the entity through that period, ever an example as well as an inspiration for ALL of those peoples of the day. The entity was a leader by NATURAL conditions and by the very activity or choices of the entity in its associations with the varied groups of that period.
"32. The entity was among the first to become burdened with financial responsibility, as would be called in the present; yet little or none of its own making, but by choice of association, by choice of companionship and activity. 33. Too little stress has been given as to how this entity, Martha, led in creating that inspiration for not only her companions through that period but with her fortitude and strength brought inspiration to those who were in the position of might and power by their very electorate vote to set the policies of this new land." [2459-1]
Young Miss 2459's mother did not request any further readings for this daughter before Edgar Cayce passed on, but our story is not yet over. Miss 2459's mother, Mrs.1223, had requested past-life reading 1223-4 for herself, prior to obtaining Miss 2459's reading and therefore was aware of the following:
"52. (Q) Where and under what conditions have I been formerly associated with ... 54. (Q) My children, [2648] and [2459]? (A) With both in the experience before this; one being among the wives of some of the associates; the other as the child of self." [1223-4]
The mother verified the information from her own reading by asking this question at her daughter's reading : "58. (Q) Is there any special purpose for coming to the present mother a second time? (A) That there may be the more complete fulfilling of its directing influence in the earth." [2459-1]
Momentarily, I will address this not-uncommon revelation that mother and daughter had been in identical positions in an earlier incarnation, but one clarification must be emphasized as I do not wish to mislead anyone. Mrs. 1223 may OR may not have previously been Martha Washington's mother, Frances Jones Dandridge. I will explain. Most people had had way more incarnations than the few revealed in an Edgar Cayce reading, and the Heavenly Source of Edgar's information only offered accounts of select incarnations which would be of benefit to the current age and lifetime of the individual who was receiving the reading.
"3. In giving the interpretation of the records as we find them, there are many. Then to choose that as may be the most helpful for this entity, and for those directing the development of this entity, becomes a problem. 4. These, then, are chosen in the present with the desire that they be a helpful influence for the entity. When the entity reaches its twelfth to thirteenth year, others should be indicated." [2459-1]
Mrs.1223's reading 1223-4 revealed one previous American incarnation for her but identified her then as Marjoriah Wendall, not Frances Jones Dandridge. This leaves us with three possibilities: Mrs. 1223 could have had another American incarnation when she was Francis Jones Dandridge and the mother of Martha Washington; Miss 2459 could have had another American incarnation when she was the daughter of Majoriah Wendall; They both had a previous incarnation when Mrs.1223 was not Marjoriah Wendall, but she was the mother of Miss 2459 who was someone other than Martha Washington.
I would now like to address the fact that Mrs.1223 and Miss 2459 had twice been mother and daughter. Edgar Cayce gave past-life readings for approximately 2000 individuals, but these 2000 individuals were definitely not a random sample. When someone like Mrs.1223 received a past-life reading and was excited about the information received, this individual shared the news with relatives and friends, many of whom often requested their own past-life readings. We thus have various groups of associated people requesting past-life readings. Definitely not a random sample, but the 2500 past-life readings revealed a rather interesting phenomenon - groups of souls incarnate together in different incarnations. This has often been referred to as soul attraction and if you think about it, it makes perfect sense: our souls choose their next incarnations to be associated with other souls with which they need to work on karma from earlier lifetimes together, just like Miss 2459's soul's return to Mrs.1223 for a second time.
There is also an important message concealed within these revelations. There is a famous saying out there that goes something like this - we can pick our friends but not our relatives. Now we see that this is only half right. When you are finished reading this article, I would like to suggest that you take a few quiet moments and think about your relatives, friends, and even your enemies. The Edgar Cayce past-life readings often implied that there were no accidents, and that everyone that is not just a passing acquaintance is in your life for a reason related to karma and past incarnations. Can you do more in this life to provide assistance or comfort or less heartache to some people your soul chose to be associated with this time around? Is there someone you have not spoken to in five or ten years that you should reconnect with? The most powerful two-word phrase in our vocabulary is probably "I'm sorry!" Is there anyone who you can think of who's day, or maybe even year, you would make if they heard you express this magical phrase?
Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher from Canada. Retirement has blessed him with the opportunity to pursue a second career as a writer and author. His article titled Jesus' Secret Healing appeared in the April-June 2010 edition of Venture Inward Magazine, and The Reincarnation Of Martha Washington appeared in the September 2010 Aquarius Magazine under the heading Reincarnation - Who Do We Come In With? Doug may be contacted at His website is at
© Doug Simpson 2010.
Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved..
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