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Ancestral Messages Within the DNA
What is Aurora Colour Magnetic Crystal Sound Healing?
Aurora is a combination of four complementary therapies – Colour, Magnets, Crystals and Sound. Although Aurora uses ancient healing techniques, it is the first independent healing centre in the world to bring together four alternative therapies to create an incredibly powerful and futuristic alliance using scientific and holistic measures.
Aurora has beautifully hand-decorated coloured bottles ~ represented in full colour in Jan Linch’s book “Ancestral Messages Within the DNA” and also on the NEW Aurora Reading Cards. Each card facilitates colour readings on many levels of consciousness including readings on a ‘cellular level’. In a reading you will be asked to select a minimum of four coloured combination cards from a wide selection. The colours that are chosen by the individual can represent a mirror of the person’s life physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and also on a cellular level of consciousness covering past, present and even future aspects.
Scientific proof - It has been recently proved scientifically that your genes create your cells (see information in the book 'Ancestral Messages Within the DNA'). This means that you might be carrying gifts or difficulties on all levels of consciousness genetically from your ancestors. Your cells have memories that may have possibly been passed down from generation to generation on a positive and negative level which can affect every level of consciousness. An Aurora colour reading with the bottles or cards can often detect genetic patterning and a practitioner might suggest ways of re-programming the cellular memories concerned.
True Colours
Everyone has colour in their aura – their true colours. There are positive and negative meanings to all colours and the choice is that of the individual concerned as to how they use them. The colours in your aura can often reflect your mood or your personality. How you feel ‘inside’ can affect the ‘outside’. For instance, if you are feeling down and low, what you are feeling ‘inside’ is negative. Perhaps you are feeling ‘Blue’. If you are feeling angry or frustrated perhaps you are ‘Seeing Red’. Perhaps you are feeling ‘Green with Envy’. These negative vibrations of energy go out into your aura and thus can ‘change’ your ‘true colours’ and also your personality. You then have the choice of remaining in the negative frame of mind or you can change. If you are feeling good ‘inside’ then the affect will be felt on the ‘outside’ in a positive way. You can feel at peace with yourself in the Blue, or full of enthusiasm for life with the Red, or balanced and in-touch with nature when you work with the Green. Or perhaps you are ‘feeling in the Pink’.
Learn to do your own Readings
Participants on Aurora courses are taught how to give readings from the bottles/cards and they are also invited to create their own Aurora bottle followed by an explanation of how they can work therapeutically. The bottles are hand painted by each individual and the colours chosen by them indicate their needs. Magnets and crystals are placed into the bottle and ordinary tap water is then added. Sound frequency is added to the contents of the bottle by using tuning forks or crystal bowls. Sound is measured in hertz as is colour and both have a very profound effect on the mind, body and soul. An explanation of how the four therapies come together is quite simple.
Reprogram your body’s cells
The magnets begin to magnify the effect of the healing powers within the crystals and also the vibration of each sound and colour, which creates a very powerful healing energy. The water within each individual’s bottle changes almost immediately. It becomes safely and naturally structured and once the water has been drunk the energy within it starts to work instantly through the physical body by helping to re-balance or re-programme the body’s cells. With magnetised water, the crystallisation within the water is increased, the surface of the water changes, traces of nitrogen are expelled, the PH value of the water changes, the electrical conductivity of the water is enhanced, and the density of the water increases and it becomes softer.

The OM Tuning Fork with Heel
Aurora’s Healing Technique
The Aurora healing technique is experienced and taught to all participants on the course. In an Aurora healing session the individual lies down (fully clothed) on a couch. Magnetic healing discs are then placed onto the chakra areas or where it is intuitively felt. Crystals are then placed onto the magnetic discs and the sound frequencies of individual tuning forks are played into the charkas or through the aura. Each chakra is fed with a sound frequency that is relevant to the colour suited for each charka or area concerned. Colour is then added by using coloured Aurora aromatherapy chakra sprays.
The healing technique is very powerful and it has a similar effect on the body to that of the contents placed into an Aurora bottle. The magnets magnify the effect of the healing powers within the crystals and also the vibration of each relevant sound and colour. The healing technique is natural, safe and non-intrusive. The client chooses their needs.
Aurora Colour Magnetic Crystal Sound Healing is a natural non-intrusive way of re-charging your whole being on all levels of consciousness. Aurora can help you to alleviate stress, which is one of the main links to imbalance and illness. Aurora can help you gain relief from aches and pains, help you to sleep more deeply, build up your immune system, stimulate the circulation, expel toxins and improve the body’s energy and strength.
Aurora complements other healing techniques and complementary therapies.
All Aurora Tuning Forks are made especially for us in England. They are all tuned to create 'perfect pitch'.
The tuning forks are used in an Aurora healing session whereby they are played into the relevant chakra areas or where the Aurora Practitioner intuitively feels.
Each tuning fork creates different sound-waves which in turn fill the auric field with sound and colour. Sound is measured in hertz as is colour. Therefore, colour and sound are one and the same.
The tuning forks are available in sets of seven or sets of thirteen to work with the old traditional chakra system or the new geometrical chakra system.
The OM Tuning Fork is part of the therapy that Aurora teaches on their courses, and it can be used anywhere on the body except for the spinal cord. It can also be used in the aura or the chakra areas.
The OM Tuning Fork creates the sound of the universe and vibrates at the frequency of C# (a semi tone above middle C). The colour vibration for the OM Tuning Fork is a golden, red, orange colour – the colour of the robes worn by the Tibetan Monks.
The OM Tuning Fork is very beneficial when used on the meridians. The OM has also been used in reflexology on the hands as well as the feet.
The vibration of the OM Tuning Fork works through bone and muscle and is, therefore, very beneficial for those suffering from rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis or muscular pain.
Tap the tuning fork and place the foot end onto the area concerned. When the vibration stops tap it again. Work on the area concerned for about fifteen minutes at a time, or until the discomfort ceases.
Try to avoid touching the double end of the tuning fork as this will stop the vibration.
The therapeutic feedback and case studies linked to the OM Tuning Fork have been remarkable and Kathryn is currently collecting case studies and feedback from students, practitioners, teachers and clients for research into her forthcoming book on the OM tuning fork.
The Aurora Double Vibrational Tuning Forks are the latest healing tool that Aurora has created and they work in the same way as the OM Tuning Fork only each tuning fork works with a different chakra.
The Aurora Double Vibrational Tuning Forks can be used on the old traditional chakra system of seven or the new geometrical chakra system. When used on the physical body, the vibration of sound and colour penetrates the physical body and emits the same energy into the aura at the same time – extremely powerful on all levels of consciousness.
For more information on Aurora, the tuning forks and the chakra systems and or products please visit us at
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