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Watch the Earth revolve and understand that you revolve with it; understand that your being extends itself upon the evolutionary arc of the planet you inhabit. Understand that you are one with this being. Understand that there is no separation; that you do not fall off, because you cannot; that you do not die off, because you cannot; that the revolution is continuous, and the evolution is on going. This is life. This is the life force. It is a perpetual thread of light extending from the Source of creation throughout time and space and knowing. But it is the knowing that is of significance. It is the knowing that is of importance, for it is in the knowing that remembrance is honoured; remembrance is understood, is key to the evolution of self and others.
Truth. This is what we seek to teach. Each being, each being is a spark of the Creator, a divine essence of the One being, of the first manifested spark, of the first impetus, of the force that brought into being all that you see and all that you know. This is who you are. You are that spark of life. What it means is unending possibilities for your species, for your life, for the evolution of your being.
We come to tell you this: Rise up in this knowing. Rise up now. Turn around and face yourself as one of the creators, as one with the Creator. Face yourself knowing that in your divinity anything is possible; that how you would shape your life is how you might shape the world; that when you look into the night sky, what you see there is reflected in your being.
Know this to be true, and you will be free. Know this to be true, and you will be free. Free of doubt and fear. Free of hunger for else. You cannot be but satisfied with the essence of your being for you understand that you are all; you are enough, and you are plentiful; that you are perfect. That you are perfection made in the light of life upon the star field of creation. You are she and he. You are it and them. You are they and one. And together, you are Source.
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