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Energy exists through time and space, in everything that we see and we feel. Energy fills our being, every cell, every breath, every word that we say. It is an incredible power that can learn to be used in a beneficial and transformative way.
When we have a nice thought about somebody or we look at somebody with love, we vibrationally send them good energy. This person may or may not feel what we are sending them but on an energy level it certainly goes inwards and has an uplifting effect.
If we were all to wear special glasses that could see through energy we would then notice that we are constantly exchanging energy vibes with each other, and loving ones will take a particularly beautiful form. We are also sending distant energy continuously as we think about people who are far from us at this moment.
In my practice, I found many wonderful ways of working with distant healing energy. This is a type of work that everybody can do and if you have a loving positive intention, you can bring wonders to the life of the person who is important to you. It will also help you to feel more connected to your powers and peace within you.
Distant Healing Practice #1
This is one of my favourite ways of working with distant healing. It helps you to connect to the person you are helping so strongly and literally feel them in your hands. This exercise will also help you to strengthen your intuition and healing powers.
Take a comfortable position and relax completely. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Spend a couple of moments to connect to your inner self and your energy.
Now visualise the person you would like to send healing energy to. Imagine that the vision of them appears in front of you and you are placing your hands on their body and giving them positive energy. You can imagine that your hands are full of light and you are spreading the light into their body and their energy, focusing especially on the parts that need it the most.
It is important to trust your intuition and just listen to your hands wherever they take you. The deeper you breathe, the more you will feel connected to the moment and the process. Remember to always put a loving intention for the person and be as gentle and kind as you can. You can also tell the person that you are going to give them healing so they could be in a receptive state at that time so the energies could join.
When you finish, give a final blessing to the person and visualise them happy and healthy. You may even place a loving intention for their energy, for example, “You are a beautiful soul of light”, “You are healthy and happy at all times”, “You are love and joy, I love you.”
Then imagine that you separate form this energy with love and gratitude and you come back to your own energy field, feeling it safe and full around your body. Spend some moments to connect to your own inner light and take deep breaths to bring your awareness to the present moment.
Distant Healing Practice #2
This is another of my favourite ways of working with distant energy as I found it to be so truthful and effective and also easy to practice.
For this exercise you will need a piece of paper and a pen. Write the name of the person you would like to work with on the paper. Then place your palm on the top of the paper, either touching or just hovering above. Now connect to the deepest love that you have in your heart and imagine the love starting to flow from the heart into your hand and filling in the paper with light.
Imagine how the energy of the person is transforming, uplifting, dissolving any pains or old stuck frequencies. Feel how you fill their name with light, power, kindness and a very pure energy. You will soon start to notice how the energy changes in your hand and the feeling becomes very pleasant and positive.
Spend as much time as needed with the paper and in the end bless it with your kind words. You can say a beautiful prayer if you like to send love and healing to the person and also ask this energy to stay with them and keep giving them positive vibrations.
You are a powerful being who can reconnect with your abilities and talents. All that you ever thought that was possible truly is and you just need to try and trust your inner guidance. Any moment spend in love and in a positive intention will bring a whole lot of good for both you and your special one as well as for the general energy space around you.
We are creating a ripple effect with our healing light and the more love we put into our lives, the more love will be multiplied and experienced in the reality around us.
With loving thoughts to you!
Maria Zhuravleva
If you are interested in booking an Individual Distant Healing Session please email Maria:
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