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In a recent article I shared a message “What Channel Are You On?” which discussed the importance of our energetic vibration on our experience, joy, love and peace within.
Each of us are choosing our experience, every moment of every day. It takes some practice, but you can become quite good at making the experience everything you want.
How do we do this? How do we become good at making the journey what we REALLY want vs. the one some of us might be getting, the one that may be making us miserable?
First, trust yourself. The master within you, the aspect of God within each of us, the part that wrote your original plan for this journey is still with you, whether you acknowledge that beautiful, loving, all powerful part of yourself or not. You are a unique expression of God. This Creator part of you is there, perhaps quietly in the background, honoring your journey, knowing that all experience is valuable, that there really are no mistakes, just many, many lessons.
This first step, in my belief structure, is the most important. It affects your vibration more than anything else. It is where you find your own power source, so you don’t “need” any one else’s power to feel fulfilled. It is THE source of unconditional love, which starts by acknowledging and loving the God part within you and then recognizing the God part within everything in your awareness. Please spend adequate energy here for it will be well worth it. If you are in need of assistance, please seek it wherever you are led. I also recommend true wisdom through meditation, asking for direct assistance from your Higher Self, your Divine within. If meditation isn’t yet in your repertoire then please seek wise counsel from a being in human form who radiates light and joy from their very essence. They reached that state from embracing the New Energies available to Earth and they are an example to you of what is possible at this magical time on Gaia.
A great follow on step is to look for the flow in your life. What are you continuously led to? What are the “coincidences” and synchronicities indicating to you? Synchronicities are in fact very purpo
seful and never random. In what direction is your heart pulling you?
It could be that you actually are in a fairly nice flow, feeling like you are doing pretty much what you want to do in your journey but that you notice some minor adjustments are needed. These adjustments may be your entrance ticket to more love, joy and inner peace than you have ever had on this journey.
Others reading this may feel quite off track, feeling like everything is busting loose all over and that you have little or no control over anything. In your situation, dear one, Let Go! Let go of whatever you are so desperately hanging onto that the Universe is trying to tell you to stop fighting. Sometimes it is in this letting go that you allow yourself the energy to discover where you really want to be, how you really want to be, who you really want to be. A fresh start is waiting for you if you desire it – just ask your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Angels for assistance. They will celebrate in your asking and in the providing assistance to you.
I understand that for some of you a new direction may be at odds with everything you’ve built or worked for. There may be loved ones close to you who won’t agree or will try and talk you out of your new plan or new approach. But, whose journey are you living, beautiful soul? Whose life is this? And, very importantly, are you so certain it is an either/or decision? Isn’t it possible you can achieve your new way of being from where you are now, simply by changing your thoughts, your perception of the current situation? Might you find joy, love and inner peace AND remain where you are? The fifth dimension and higher is filled with “And” situations; it is in the third dimensional game that we are so riddled with “Or” situations. Look for the And! Look for wanting your cake and eating it, too! Shoot for the stars, Empowered One.
I send you love and blessings for a magical 2011.
Jill Renee
[email protected]
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