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Telepathic Merging of Consciousness Between Facilitator and Nonverbal Autistic Typist
By Mary Ann Harrington
Expert Author Mary Ann Harrington
Facilitated communication remains a controversial process. A person known as a facilitator offers physical and emotional support to a nonverbal person. Sometimes the facilitator gives hand, wrist and arm support. Other times the facilitator sits next to the typist and focuses on the keyboard and the material being typed. Although I agree physical and emotional support is part of both processes, I contend there is also a complex energetic and telepathic aspect. I have many unanswered questions that I am hoping will begin be studied.
For example: Why do I usually hear the word or words before they are typed? Why do I need to know the questions being asked? When another facilitator and I support the same person, why does the typist's responses to open-ended questions sometimes differ? When I give support to a variety of nonverbal typists, why do they resonate to the point of being able to complete each others sentences? Why are typists I work with restricted by the language I speak, my vocabulary and knowledge base? Why does my facilitator bias sometimes leak through?
Skeptics would simply dismiss these scenarios as facilitator motor influence-Clever Hans Syndrome, an act of subconsciously giving an animal or person cues to complete a task. If the typist is hitting the keys on his own, but still requires a person to touch or sit next to him, both skeptics and supporters are at a loss for an explanation. Supporters say the person is typing independently, even though he is dependent on proximity control and a shared focus. They suggest that the person sitting next to him is there for emotional support. I feel it is an energetic merging of consciousness which goes deeper than simple telepathy. This occurs with or without arm support, but in my experience, intent and focus increases when physical support is not given and typing is solely dependent on proximity control. As a curious person, and one who has experienced this phenomenon with many nonverbal children and adults, I want to know how it works! I want others to question and share my enthusiasm and openly discus their experiences. I would love to come together with others who use FC and similar strategies such as RPM, who are willing to let go of preconceived ideas and ask these amazing souls to help us understand. ? It shocks and amazes me that people are not coming out of the woodwork to share this amazing dynamic. Until they do, I will continue ask my friends with autism individually and collectively, and share "our" intuitive thoughts.
Recently, a nonverbal friend, typed using facilitated communication, that she was impressing images on my brainstem, and that I was instantaneously and unconsciously finding the "word" for thought forms being impressed on my brainstem. I got the impression, that she was then picking up the word I selected telepathically from me and typing it. If so, that would explain why I hear the word in my head right before she types it. She went on to suggest, she accesses messages from higher spiritual realms in a similar fashion. She receives an impression and then impresses it upon my brain stem. If this is true, it helps explain some of my unanswered questions. For example: Why is nonverbal person with autism restricted by the language, knowledge base, bias, and vocabulary of the facilitator? Why do messages often seem spiritual? Why my bias might leak through? Is it the facilitator knowledge that limits the range of expression? The person with autism seems to have access to any his partner's knowledge base.
Since the facilitator/partner has a stronger hold on ego conscious based thought, he should be constantly aware of letting his bias influence the person typing. Contradictory opinions are often typed when the same facilitator pairs with different partners. My passion is to help the autistic person strengthen his conscious ego, and express his opinions devoid of influence. Important decisions or opinions that affect the nonverbal person or others need validation with multiple partners. Observation of body language, behavior, and alternate independent forms of communication, help validate opinions.
Personally, I feel this partnership can enhance facilitator's higher self and soul knowledge. It feels like the borders between us have softened. As enticing and exciting as this is, it needs acknowledgement, as a possibility, and explored. This process is so complex and fascinating. For me, responses to questions sometimes seem metaphorical and visual. Sometimes, I seem to understand more than just the words. It seems like a form of direct knowing, difficult to describe in words. My simple mind is receiving a minute glimpse of this inter-dimensional interplay of thought forms all racing to the surface for expression, but limited by my knowledge base, understanding, and restrictions of our language based system. I want to know more.
Think of the benefit of pairing these insightful souls with specialists, that have knowledge in specific areas and the vocabulary needed to explain it. For example, if researchers are working on a cure for cancer, I would suggest they learn to partner with these brilliant souls, who would be able to add insight and enhance the researcher's current level of understanding.
These amazing souls have so much to teach us. It is time to give them a chance to prove themselves. At the same time, we must honestly and openly explore and discus all aspects of their mind-boggling, yet amazing reality.
If you have any interest in sharing your experience, please feel free to comment. Would love to get a group of people together to explore this currently unexplainable phenomena.
Albert Einstein "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."
I am a student, friend, facilitator, researcher, and advocate of individuals with severe autism. My interest is motivating people to talk about the incredible sensitivities on these individuals and how these abilities can enhance our current understanding of consciousness.
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