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In view of the recent flooding in various parts of the world, all are welcome to have another chance to listen to streaming of Questions about Life with Answers from the Spirit World, channeled by mediumship at Spiritual Channeling UK. The questions and answers below are currently being continuously streamed on you tube, (other questions and answers such as "Was the Titanic accident or Karma?" and other interesting topics are permanently available for listening at leisure.)
1) In recent months parts of Britain have been severely flooded, we believe due to global warming and lack of care for the environment. If the situation is unchecked can you tell us what will happen?
2) A certain percentage of the population is gay or lesbian, is there a particular reason for this, or is it just chance?
3) What sort of work do people who have passed on do?
4) Would you please give us your advice on things we should value most in our lives?
5) Violence on this earth is common, we are violent to each other and also to animals and the planet. What causes us to be violent and how can we become less violent?
More wisdom from the Spirit World at:
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