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One of our biggest fears is change. Yet change is natural, an aspect of evolution, the creative state of the cosmos. If you are alive then you are changing all the time. It takes about seven years to replace all the tissue cells in the human body - so that old friend isn’t quite the same one you knew seven years ago - if you see what I mean. The way to make change work for you is to let your heart lead the way through. The process may be uncomfortable but the outcome will be life supporting if you look for the creative opportunities it brings. If you are always fearful of change you will draw destructive energy toward you. Let change bring opportunity.
In my book “Altered Light” I talk about change. Here is an extract where discuss how becoming heart-centred can empower you to greater happiness and achievement, embracing change as opportunity.
“I encourage you to put your heart in charge rather than be distracted making ineffective external changes prompted by fearful mind models. Better to go inside and ask Sacred Self to help you make something creative from the new situation. Put your own troubles in your pocket and reach out to others in need - then go see if you can help.
When your fears arise, do not feed them with your energy, it only sustains them. As you confront your fears take your thoughts to a tranquil creative place — either imagined or known to you — and picture yourself standing in peace and serenity within your protective aura. Become aware of your gentle breath and visualize a white healing light, like a mist above your head, slowly engulfing your body with the warmth of unconditional Love. Let the light move down your body bringing Divine connection through your head to the heart-centre where a rich green glow is all around. Move the light slowly down your spine, through the sun yellow centre of your solar plexus, the balance point between physical you and spiritual you. Let the white light pass through your abdomen, flooding the orange of the second chakra energy centre and down to the red of the base chakra that connects you to earth energies. You are asserting your spiritual identity, rebalancing your energy field. Let your connection to the Divine and self-love wash away the detritus of worldly physical endeavour and replace stored anxiety and fear with a gentle self-knowing. Your natural spirituality is once more in command. You are re-energized from the one Divine source of all life and you are focused in love and beauty.
It is always there for you. You are made from Love, brought into form where waves of Consciousness meet to manifest Divine Creation. You are here to play your valuable part in the great evolutionary story. Be glad you are who you are, here to add your own vital part to the picture.”
If you have faced major change in your life and found a way to turn disaster into opportunity I would like to hear about it. I am gathering real life stories of personal triumph for my next book. Please contact medium and author John Anthony at
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