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What are you Manifesting
By Charleen Anna Louise
After discovering the magic of manifesting I decided to write this article for you and help you to manifest things into your own life.
Please note that this is from my own personal experience from working with the Spirit world and past life trauma.
So how do you manifest abundance in all things?
First and most important thing to know is that your thoughts are very powerful! Whatever you think you’ll manifest , and let’s face it we live in a world where fear’ depression’ illness ‘ worry and stress is at the top of most peoples list and when we live in this energy we will attract many things that are on the same energy level as fear worry stress etc. so this is why many people don’t attract what they want in life and when they attract negative things around them it makes them more depressed and gives them the feeling that the world is against them, or god is punishing them ,many people turn to alcohol or drugs to help them feel better, but this really is to escape the reality of confusion about why there world has gone wrong why nothing good happens to them, some people even thing they have a curse! what I can tell you is that every single human being is entitled to bliss happiness and abundance in everything, we have the power in ourselves to make anything happen and once you work this out and accept this then your life can change from the moment.
The first thing you need to do is change your thoughts!
Sounds easy but it isn't especially if you suffer from depression and other negative situations!
As a spiritual healer and teacher i discovered after working on many clients with spirit and the angelic realm that it wasn't as easy as just changing your thoughts, for some people yes but for many I found that there were many other spiritual reasons why people couldn't get out of this lower negative vibration that was keeping them in a prison and allowing them only to manifest negative situations in their life, below I will write a list of what I've come across and worked with.
First one is trapped emotions/trapped energy.
As an emotion code practitioner certified by Dr Nelson I discovered that many of my clients were carrying trapped emotion from past lives which was preventing them from going forward in this life many of my clients with past life emotions were people that experienced some kind of trauma and this trauma was still effecting their soul on deep levels, only by releasing this using the emotion code was there soul able to lift to a higher energy, we together released this old energy to make way for the new.
Some of my clients who had emotions trapped were inherited from their parents and I found that some of the inherited emotions went back many generations I've counted so far 21 generations and it can go a lot more, I found that many of my clients with depression had inherited emotions.
And then I have my clients who have their own trapped emotions from this lifetime, it’s usually worry stress anxiety low self-esteem depression nervousness and so on and they always say to me I feel blocked and can’t move forward, once we shift these emotions the client is then free to ascend to a higher vibration.
The emotion code healing is my favorite tool for freeing people; you can read more about the emotion code on my services on my website, Another reason why people can’t manifest is because they’re carrying other people’s energy! What I mean by this is that your aura is not protected, everybody has an energy field around the body and if we don’t cleanse it and shield it then you will most definitely pick up other peoples negative emotions! have you ever woke up in a good mood you are feeling happy, then you go out to work and when you come back home you feel angry or irritable very fatigue and depressed, but nothing happened in your day to make you feel this way!! Well something did happen in your day! What I can tell you is that you've been standing or working next to someone who has these emotions and they have transferred them to you, they probably unknowingly stole your good energy and sent you there negative energy
, they probably feel great while you are left on the couch feeling sluggish and sad, think about it. How many times has this happened to you?
You can read about house cleansing and energy shielding on my house cleansing link on my website.
Another reason you can’t manifest is because of spirit! After working with the spirit world and seeing for myself the effects of spirit around people I really wanted to share this with you, like I mentioned above about when someone stands next to you with negative energy well it’s the same with spirit, we are walking side by side with spirit and not all spirit are happy and jolly, you have depressed spirit, lonely spirit/ angry spirit.
So what does this mean?
It means that it’s quite possible that you are been influenced by spirit! We have many lost souls (Earth Bound) walking around looking for a way to get to the light, some of these souls are desperate and if they see that you could maybe help then they won’t leave you, maybe you sense them or feel them, have you ever had that feeling where you feel someone is standing beside you! Or you go really cold or you feel something touch your face or the top of your head? Or you say I feel like someone’s walked over my grave! If you have sensed this or talked about this then what you have just done is let the spirit know that you are aware of them! The spirit gets very excited about going home but you have no experience and just ignore, that’s when the spirit becomes depressed/irritable/emotional/angry and then you will pick up this emotion which then confuses you! You start to feel very negative and irritable and you just don’t know why, If you are a very sensitive soul /emphatic and you don’t know this about yourself then I’m sure this happens a lot in your life so it’s always best to check with a spiritual healer to make sure you have no attachments! (Attachments are spirits that cling to your energy field and this is why it’s important to protect and shield) This has happened to me many times, I will going about my day feeling great then suddenly I fell depressed and angry like I want to punch someone, now I know my nature and this is not me at all and because I’m aware of this I just knew right away, I found out it was a spirit that was frustrated because they wanted to go to the light they were angry and I was picking this emotion up, I quickly called archangel Michael who took the soul away to the light, I felt better right away.
Now imagine how many people in the world that are probably picking up emotions from spirit ,this is why I’ve decided to teach about this subject to help you to understand these feeling's.
So I’m not saying that these are the only reasons why people can’t manifest a good life, many people can simply just change their thoughts but in my experience I have noticed a much deeper reason why some people just cannot move forward or ascend to a higher frequencies / higher dimensions
As a spiritual healer the first thing I would look at is:
Trapped emotions / Energy
Past Life Trauma
Energy Field
Spirit Attachments
Once I or any other spiritual healer has checked and healed the above I’m very confident in saying that your vibration will definitely become higher.
I would also strongly recommend…
Chakra balancing
Changing your thoughts can become easy.
Remember = positive thoughts attract positive energy = positive energy attracts abundance in all things.
Thank you for reading my article about how you can manifest a better life once again please note that this is from my experience with working with clients and with the higher dimensions , Any questions then please don’t hesitate to email me i'd be more than happy to help in anyway i can
Thank you
Charleen Anna Louise
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