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I am sure you saw loads of updates on social media regarding the 3–3–3 (March 3, 2019) which brings to us creative solutions to our life’s problems. It is a cosmic leveling up which helps to raise our consciousness.
This is how I feel it and what my guides have shown me:
First of all, imagine that we have an energy cord which connects us to the Universe. This is activated through our crown chakra and goes up to the spiritual realms. Angels, spiritual beings and God reach us through this. Every now and then we are given consciously or unconsciously, an upgrade. Positive energy to flush out the negative energy accumulated in our system is slowly healed and released.
Imagine the cord to be the umbilical cord between a mother and her child. Nutrition is passed down to the baby, to help it develop and create an emotional bond between the two. Even after it has been delivered, the baby is cared for the mother and the bond continues.
Imagine the Universe/source as our mother and this link being the umbilical cord, to nurture and develop humanity.
Do you have to “spiritual” to experience this? No. Everyone of us are created equal and and this is available to EVERYONE. The healing happens without us even feeling it however the more you are aware of it, the easier it will be to receive and adapt.
It will show itself through shifts in consciousness, thought patterns and even habits. For example I am sure we all have friend who continually make bad decisions when it comes to relationships.
You know the kind who is drawn to the “bad boy or bad girl” type which may bring in complex relationship issues such as abuse, narcissistic behaviour, self esteem drops to deep unhappiness.
As a friend you would want them to choose wisely and change their “type” to attract someone who lifts them up and makes them happy. You can advise them all you want but they will never listen. In fact everyone around them will be saying the same thing but end up being labelled “negative” or “jealous”.
Then one day, they get this amazing clarity, like a short sighted person putting on the correct prescription, see everything clearer and differently. This is the SHIFT. It would have taken a while to push through the stubbornness but eventually it happens.
Now on days like 3–3–3, the universe brings in a higher frequency energy that can blast through our mindset and help you work out what you need to let go of. It helps you bring in creativity into our lives. This means a new perspective to old problems. Sometimes it’s not always the case that we need to throw away something to be successful. It means going back to the drawing board and find ways to fine tune things.
3–3–3 is the start of our spiritual growth and the discovery stage where things will crop up for us to rediscover our purpose and how to redefine our lives.
Healing takes time but if we are stubbornly holding on to something or someone, then we won’t be able to shift. So look deep within to find your answers because intuition is strong right now.
Mercury Retrograde
March 5–28, 2019
All the memes and scaremongering has started on social media. Poor Mercury Retrograde! Always being blamed for everything from the winter flu to lack of parking space! We have been retrograde free since January so this is going to be an interesting cycle for most of us. It is important to understand how retrogrades work to truly appreciate the energy. Not everything that happens during MR is negative. The energy is very “electric” at the moment so flashes of heat will be felt in the body so if you have hot flushes (if you are not menopaused) then drink more water as it can be draining.
There is a huge blast of electrical energy being sent our way during a mercury retrograde therefore it is best to avoid buying big electrical purchases during this time. Travel disruption especially air and anything dependent on electricity will be affected.
Mercury is the planet of communication and combine that with the Pisces sign, we have a very emotional time which will want to break us to put us back together. This I believe is to cut through our own emotional and mental stubbornness. So if you feel very emotional, heady, and sleepless then dig deep to find out what you are holding on so tightly you need to face.
Are you reluctant to change your career even if you hate it and is causing you to be depressed? Are you putting off meeting anyone because of your own defence mechanism to protect yourself based on past relationships? Or perhaps refusing to be the bigger person in an argument?
Most of all, Mercury is a time to refine and improve our communications. Not just to other people but for YOU. Are you speaking your truth? Journey into the darker parts of your hidden self to find your truth to see if you can see a new way to express yourself.
I used Mercury Retrogrades to review everything from work to life path. Things tend to slow down and there will be loads to deal with, so I am starting to think about the challenges, this year that I faced in January and February. I look at then reflect on each with an open and clear heart to see what I could have done or could do better. I stop and ask my higher self?—?“why did this happen” to learn more about the lesson behind each situation.
Use this down time to plan and be ready to take charge because everything will start moving really quickly after the 28th. Trust me my friends, April will be here before you know it and you will be gasping for breath by the end of it. Busy times ahead so put your seeds in the ground and be ready to harvest what you sow.
New Moon
March 6th 2019
Such a busy time energy wise. On top of everything we have a new moon! A new cycle begins with all these things that we are being made aware of to shift. Watch your dreams and that little voice in your head because intuition is high! Write down your dreams every night. Doesn’t matter if its a number, word, sentence or scene you saw in your dream. Write down the date,time and even feelings. Read through before you go to bed to see how it relates to what you experienced that day.
I am being told that those who are still hesitating with signing up for a course for training or higher education, which could potentially enhance your life, need to start paying attention. In fact I feel some have been shown signs but keep finding excuses not to press the button (literally!) Do you have a window open in your laptop where you have filled up a form and only need to press send?
My guides are also asking those who are looking for a new job to start paying attention to job titles or career areas to help you make a change. Listen to your intuition and pay attention when you are drawn to something that keeps popping up.
This sets us up for the Full Moon on the 21st. This is a massive month so look after yourself!
New Moon is a prefect time to do my Moon Ritual. Read my free guide HERE
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