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I am a medium but I do not give people messages from their loved ones in Spirit. The word 'mediumship' encompasses the healing arts, channelling, divination - AND contact with departed family and friends to bring proof of survival and comfort to the bereaved. However, the term 'medium' has come to mean exclusively the latter, bringing proof and comfort of the Afterlife.
Recently, while conducting a tarot reading, I was told I was not a medium because mediums 'don't use tools', such as tarot. Surely, I am the one to know if I am in contact with the spirit world and am, therefore a medium, ie using my mediumistic skills'.
Many 'mediums' are not healers, so are they really in touch with the spirit world and if so, why are they not healers? Is it possible to be a medium and not a healer? If one is in contact with departed relatives, is it not possible to be in touch with higher beings, such as ascended masters and why is this not taking place more frequently?
I think we need also to look at the number of people who are seeking some kind of hierarchy, where well paid platform mediums are at the top of the tree, and unpaid healers are at the bottom. In my book, healers are at the top of the mediumship skills and arts, they are altruistically helping others with difficult illness.
I am a writer for the New Age, mind, body and spirit and the Spiritualist press and I am often asked questions in my capacity as a spiritual writer, counsellor, healer and channelling medium. Perhaps The Spirit Guides readers can help clarify terms which provide some confusion.
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