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Has a flower ever called your name and spoken quietly in your ear with a message of hope and encouragement? If not then go out into nature and let her eternal wisdom bring you joy. The old world is changing rapidly and we are the forerunners of a new age of enlightenment and harmony. This new world is the blending of heaven and earth as we return to the garden of eden where nature will be our teacher as well as our mother. As the old dogmas and spiritual teachings fall away and we become masters of ourselves we will look to the flowers, the trees, the birds, the sun, moon and stars for our inspiration. In the new world as we embrace oneness we will see that there is no separation of consciousness and so we can as easily communicate with a stone as a living being.
My mother passed away eight months ago and the family home we all grew up in was sold just yesterday so bringing to completion a process of grieving and letting go. As I reflected upon this I was drawn to a beautiful morning glory plant in my garden which is called Heavenly Blue. This plant has been highly regarded by shamans in Mexico and South America since ancient times because the seeds have the ability to induce an altered state of consciousness. It follows that the essence of the very plant itself can bring about heightened awareness. The throat of the plant is white with gold at the base and the petals are sky blue. When I look through the flowers up to the midday sky there is no difference in the colours of the petals and the sky. The white and the gold combine to bring us the rays of the god energy which is who we truly are while the blue brings the vibration of heaven, symbolic of unity with the higher self.
I connected to the plant and as I did a bee flew right inside the flower, and it just so happens that the bee is a symbol of my mother. She passed away at the age of one hundred and one, a youthful lady who some referred to as queen bee, not that she liked the title. As the bee flew into the deep throat of the trumpet of the flower I gently placed my hand around the flower to feel the vibration of the bee itself. It was the most remarkable experience as I held the bee in my hand and I felt a deep connection to my mother. Today I emptied out my grief and then I felt her presence before me, she stood in front of me and told me that it was time to move on now and close the door on the past.
The autumn time is a time of death when the trees shed their leaves and the world of nature goes within and so inside all of us it is a time to let go and die to the past for we too move in cycles like the seasons. Nature is a wonderful teacher and if we can understand her rhythms we can also come to understand the rhythms within ourselves and keep moving into newness. We all go through our own winters when the journey seems a struggle but just like nature springtime is always waiting to emerge within ourselves. There is no death only an ever constant progression from one stage to another in an ever increasing spiral of awakening.
Heaven will be on earth one day, we will not see it but we are part of the beginning of a revolution of peace and harmony. We are heavenly gardeners tending the planet and tending one another with love for love is the fertiliser to make everything grow strong. Take your inspiration from mother earth and father sky and listen to their calling. They have much to show you. When the dark days of winter come go outside and firmly place your feet on the ground and listen. Feel the vibration underneath you and feel how alive the earth is. Take her essence deep into your core and then you will find yourself rooted and strong within yourself with a great feeling of being nurtured. Stand beneath the sky on a starry night and connect to your ancient homeland, the stars, for we made the journey here to the earth many ages ago. Draw down the stars and fill up your entire being with starlight and feel yourself renewed and re-connected to your higher self. Then understand that you have really brought heaven to earth in all its glory.
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