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Pearls of Wisdom
It’s quite amusing really; how I can impart spiritual or practical “words of wisdom” to others yet question it myself.
I have also found this to be the case for many people who are holistic and complementary therapists, spiritual and regular counsellors and clairvoyant mediums. They are so busy trying to sort other people’s lives but in truth they should be taking their own advice.
Just to give you an example, I recently sent this message to a friend: “Sometimes it is better to accept than to hold on to emotions that do not serve you. Possession, anger, control are not a loving emotions and creates animosity. No one is perfect and you will always have the good and bad in any situation/person. Work on yourself and learn to love and be honest with yourself and others will do the same. Unconditional love means that you love someone unconditionally, regardless of their faults but it also means that you expect or need nothing from them. That is the key to freedom and happiness.”
It’s pretty fair advice. But I find myself re-reading it and it does nothing for me personally. It seems fluffy and if I was totally honest I am not sure if I would take on board my words at all!
Does that make me a hypocrite? I just don’t know. Self critical? Probably.
But when I do talk to someone who is having problems, what comes out is spontaneous, un-rehearsed, and personal only to them and their situation. It’s about being compassionate and sensitive to how the other person is feeling, putting yourself in their shoes, and trying to view their problems from a totally impartial, and different, perspective.
However - and apologies for the cliché - but you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. What I am trying to say is, although giving unconditional advice is a great thing to do, the best person to council and advise an individual is the individual themselves. They may take on board what others say, mull it around for a while, but at the end of the day it is ultimately their decision on whether or not they act on it.
It is probably a little harsh of me to say but, hypothetically speaking, a highly trained counsellor would be able to surmise a clients problem in one, maybe two sessions? So, if someone visits a counsellor every week for six months, surely the counsellor would be repeating themselves time and time again? If the client really listened to the counsellor, and made the suggested changes, they would be well on their way to improve both their life and their bank account.
Please don’t think I am being detrimental to counsellors and I will be the first to admit that giving advice really does feel good at the time. What I am saying is that people ask, don’t act, and then wonder why they are going through the same turmoil over and over again. It is aways nice to know when the little pearls of wisdom grow into iridescent sparkly gems and people really do change their emotional life cycle.
But, to this end, I, and countless others, will no doubt continue to ignore advice and merrily skip through this thing called life in blissful, glorious ignorance.
Andrea Elliott
[email protected]
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