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Like everyone else around the world I am horrified at the action of the American dentist Dr Walter Palmer in deliberately killing Cecil the lion. It is incomprehensible to me that he "enjoys this activity." He enjoys killing another living being! As someone said on TV "he must be deranged!" However let us consider other "deranged" persons a little closer to home. We have an aristocracy in this country who think it is enjoyable to hunt foxes to a state of exhaustion which will end in death. They also go on "shoots" to take the lives of birds flying in the sky and we have a large proportion of the population who see nothing wrong in sending animals (many little more than babies) into slaughter houses where their last earthly moments are filled with fear, terror and cries for their mothers before their life is taken from them so that their bodies may be used for food. Do the people eating this food who exclaim that it tastes so delicious realize that the "delicious" taste comes from the adrenalin that floods through the little bodies when they realize that something terrible is about to happen to them? I personally feel that anyone who eats meat is an accessory to murder.
Silver Birch, our wonderful spirit guide, says that when the soul is more advanced that realization will come "that it is wrong to extinguish another's life in order to sustain your own." There can not be many advanced souls in the world today! How many people know that some of the world's strongest animals - Horses (strong as a horse), elephants, oxen and many more are vegetarians? They eat only what God has provided for us in nature. "To every beast of the field, to every fowl of the air and to everything that creep upon the earth wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat." [Genesis 1:30]
As a Spiritualist I know that all these murdered animals and birds are now safe and enjoying life in the next world. Their murderers will have to go through a period of remorse and hell before they can begin to advance their souls and realize the wrongs they have committed. How does Dr Palmer and his like sleep at night with the memory of the suffering they have caused? Cecil lived for 40 hours suffering from his crossbow wound before he died. Does the fox in his dying moments think of his little vixen wife and his family of cubs now left defenceless in the world without him to protect them? Do these murderers not comprehend that other living creatures feel pain, fear, terror, grief just as we do? That they are entitled to live out the life that God gave to them until He sees fit to call them home? I am reminded of the speech by Shylock in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" where he defends his Jewish race saying their bodies are the same as Christians. "If you prick us do we not bleed? If you poison us do we not die?" Tales of the courage, devotion, sacrifice and mother love of the animal kingdom can put the human race to shame.
Our world has a long, long way to go before it can claim to be civilised. It is up to each and everyone of us to proclaim God's message of "Love one another" (and that includes all God's creation) and make our earth a paradise where all species of life can live together in peace and harmony.
If you would like to know more of my thoughts on Spiritualism, then read my book "Why I am a Spiritualist." The book costs £5 including P&P and is available direct from me. Visit my website
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