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Go back to that time in your life when you have seen a magician, a film about magic or read a book and never forgotten that magical moment, lost in the world of the unknown, fantasy and magic it takes you too. Take time to sit and watch children absorbed in their play, in their own magical fantasy world, and the pure innocent love of the young is a magical feeling to experience.
The moment you discover Spirit for the first time is like that feeling, but we are no fantasy illusion of your imagination my friends. The magic of spirit is in each and every one of you from that divine moment of our joining with you in your human form on Mother Earth. When the divine spark is ignited and spirit blends with the human body, magic exists. An amazing event of creation, it is no illusion my friends, it is pure true love and light from the divine source.
When in your human life you recognise this spark of the divine, you are so consumed by the rush of love from spirit this can make you quite emotional, not quite believing this magical moment. Did your mind just play a trick on you? Are my feelings real? Did that just really happen to me? Was it an illusion? This is no magic trick, this is when your trust comes into play my friends, as YES it did just happen to you.
I wish I had a magic wand to wave over you all so you trusted in spirit. But as man has free will this is often a challenge to us. The fact you are reading this article means you believe in spirit or are very inquisitive about the spirit world. If you are not yet working with spirit, what stops you from continuing with this exploration? Fear my friends, fear of the unknown, fear of stories other humans have told you of the afterlife, ghosts and other experiences they do not understand. Some humans like nothing better than to express the fear and the side of their existence that they have no understanding of, but this is their world, their reality, not yours. They make the fear, remember there is no fear with the spirit world; we are pure love and light, working with you to make your existence the best it can be.
Your imaginations over the centuries have written stories of our realm as we allowed you to see glimpses into it. Some of you in past times that believed in us were branded as witches and wizards of their time, their beliefs and actions were seen as magic, the unexplained, being feared by mankind. Throughout mankind’s development, different religions have emerged - this is mankind’s interpretation of your soul and inner power that you have struggled to explain. On the occasions we have shown ourselves we are seen as miracles, and mankind has been given hope in times of despair. We often hear your voices of despair; you have free will and yet you choose to self-destruct often, as your history timeline shows us.
We do not intervene very often in hope that you will learn from these events. Before you come to earth when you set your life’s plan, your main goal is to bring enlightenment to mankind – and oh boy, what a challenge this is for you! When one of you sees the light and asks for help, then we can step in and bring the magic to your world. Until then we watch you travel your life’s path, nudging you where we can, leaving magical signs for you to follow and bringing you safely home when it is your time to return to us.
We are with you from the moment you are born, to the day you pass back home to us. Every new baby is born with the magic of seeing spirit. How may mothers notice their young babies smiling and gurgling at unseen things? When the baby cannot even focus yet and they seem to be smiling and contented at an unseen force. My earth friend I am a guide to a lady who has recently had a granddaughter, we heard the mother say, “I think she’s smiling at her angels”, yes my friend she was. This is a rainbow child born two week before these words were written and her grand mother is a light worker. Spirit is very strong in the presence of this child as with all children.
We like nothing better than bringing spirit to your earth, we gather round that spirit from the day they take their first breath, guiding and protecting. We wait for that human to see the love and light on their path, and ask us for guidance and help.
In the spirit world we would like to keep this magic of spirit your children are born with, but sadly this is a battle for us as mankind suppresses this through fear and ignorance. As soon as your children take their first breath, they are influenced by your words, home environment, how you interact with them, what you teach them, your beliefs, and the air they breathe.
It’s all very well me going on about what you can do, but you do need our help, and we are working behind the scenes, my friends, to aid you with your children. Some of you will have heard of Star Children.
Why the word ‘Star’, the word a lone sends magical signs to you of hope for mankind, looking up at the sky, the unanswered questions, loved ones being a stars in heaven. These Star children are from the spirit world being born amongst you to help mankind move forward and evolve. They possess psychic, spiritual and other extra-sensory abilities. These children will bring peace, topple corrupt systems, and shift dimensional consciousness in the years to come.
We have divided them into three categories on your earth to help aid your understanding of them: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. These are just words to us but we picked them as for you they have great meaning. The Star Children have chosen specific parents and grandparents who will help them develop their natural abilities. So if you are a parent of a child you class as different from the norm, your child probably chose you to help them help others in their spiritual path. They have slowly been coming to earth for over a century, but in the last twenty years, there have been a lot more. The increase is because mankind has shifted to accept these children more into their societies and the fifth dimension energy can now filter down more to your third dimensional world.
The Indigo children: Why ‘Indigo’, look at the colour, one of the seven colours of your rainbows, a colour of protection to the spirit world. You will recgonise Indigo children as they are passionate in their beliefs, whatever they may be, and the strength of their feelings can often be overwhelming for them. These children want to know the truth and want to break down the patterns of traditional thinking. The Indigo children have a specific purpose, which is to seek out the truth and change archaic systems of thought on the old energy grid, and usher you into a new world of integrity. They are creating a path and unveiling lies and secrecy to help Crystal Children who will see the world from an elevated platform of spirituality, and a highly evolved viewpoint with complete and unconditional love. A lot of your indigo children will have what are considered to be behavioral problems, which are called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and similar labels. These children will be misunderstood by others not on the love and light path, but remember if you have a Indigo child, you were chosen as a parent because you will understand your child and guide them towards their desired goal. Remember they are here to create a new energetic frequency, and to bring about ‘one world’ populated by unique, individual, freethinking people living in the fifth dimension.
Why ‘Crystal’, look at your Mother Earths make-up, beautiful crystals being part of this. Crystals are bonded together over time and have great strength. Crystal children’s main purpose is to take you to the next level in your evolution and reveal to you your inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the Law of mankind to be one. They will also be advocates for love and peace on Mother Earth. The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness, as Crystal children are also very powerful. They can be multi-faceted and able to see outside the box, yet must also play and find their way in your three-dimensional world so they do not become isolated and alone. They can tune into the universe, they have high intuition – a gift from spirit, you will not be able to hide anything from these children, because they are all seeing.
Why ‘Rainbow’ they are created by reflection in light of water droplets, they are of great beauty and we use them as signs of spirit and comfort to you. Rainbow children are coming amongst you more frequently and the numbers have been building in the last few years. Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families. The Rainbow child is born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge magical hearts that are full of forgiveness. Rainbow children are psychic and empathic having the ability to read people’s feelings. This gift is usually revealed, as they grow older. They will become light workers and advocates of our realm. One of their purposes is to complete the final stages of the foundation that the Indigo and Crystal children have made. All three are connected with inner knowing of their purpose on your earth.
With the energy shift, there will now be more and more star children born to take away your world’s pain and help build a world with out fear making Mother Earth the magic place it should be. I have just written a glimpse of this for you; there are books on your earth about these children, written by light workers; please study them and spread the word amongst your societies. This will help you recognise them and nurture them. But please do not single out these children, they need to grow up in the society they are born into to complete their life’s work where they are needed.
As well as working with your young we realise we need to start with the adults as they influence your children. We are working hard with all mediums, healers, and those of you on a spiritual path, which you call light workers, to spread our messages of love and light. We do this through your spirit circles, spirit churches, holistic healers and trance groups. We include in your term light workers any one that brings light and love to your world. This will include teachers, life coaches, business coaches and medical workers.
Our aim is to bring our positive, uplifting message to mankind in anyway it will be accepted. If mankind can be inspired to make positive changes in their way of thinking, in any area of their lives, this will then spread to other humans in their lives. The key to your future is your children, they will be our advocates in your world. So nurture them and spread our message out my friends.
The phrase "I wish I had a magic wand" is often heard amongst you my friends. The magic wand is yourself, your human essence and inner strength we so admire, combine this with our pure spirit you will conjure up all sorts of magic tricks. So wave you magic wand my friends and connect with us and TRUST, we will guide you on your life’s path.
Love and blessings x
Harold Spirit guide of Sharon Bengalrose – author of ‘Utopia’ and ‘Inspiration guidance messages’
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