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Your True Self
What is your true self? In everyday life, we tend to be different people in different situations. We can be corporate at work, relaxed with our friends, formal with our family , firm with our kids. We wear many different hats. So who are you? What is your purpose? What is your mission on life? Have you wondered what makes you special out of billions on people on this planet? Are you just an ant in a colony following the leader? Why do you go to work? Why do you have friends? Why do you live in a house? Why do you drive a car? Have you stopped and wondered? Have you stopped and thought about what life should be like? Or have you just followed blindly?
Does society dictate who you are and how you should live your life? Is it progressive to have a job? What is society ? Are you here to live and die and nothing really happens in that lifetime. Are you here just to live, eat and just drift along for the best part of seventy years.
Are you truly happy? By happiness I don’t mean fleeting moments at the weekend or when you are in the company of a loved one but I mean when you are on your own, day in, day out. A place of contentment where external events have very little impact on your equilibrium . Is that contentment generated by an internal source? Can you be happy just being?
Do you think you have a purpose? What would happen if you actually stopped occupying yourself with the mundane tasks of your life and thought about what your true nature?
Have you thought about your soul mission, your divine purpose? Are you letting the life waste away? Do you have the courage to say enough? I choose to live a different life, I choose to be an individual, I choose to denounce society and follow my own rules.
I know some of you reading this will be up in arms at this point! This woman is living in cuckoo land but I am or are you? I understand life has been structured around society and we need money, for shelter, to feed ourselves, cloth ourselves etc. What I am saying is to denounce society is to use the current structure of what has been laid out to achieve what you want rather than the other way round. To take back control, I don’t think it’s feasible to go back to caveman days and live off the land but I am saying is to go back to making your decisions. You make think you do, but how many of us get influenced by our peers and by the media?
The media and big corporations know how to manipulate the masses so that we tied up in situations for the rest of our lives. For the current structure of society to work , they need workers. They need people like you and me to willingly to go into a four walled office and sit there for 8 hours a day without complaining because that enables us to buy the big screen tv, the ipad , a Mercedes , or whatever we think will make our lives easier. What is happening in reality is slowly we are getting ourselves trapped, trapped in a situation where we loose our true selves , where we forget pleasure, spontaneity , being who you are . In order to feed what we think we require for a happy life we dilute our true essence.
This blog isn’t for the people who are happy in their current situations, who I am to tell people how to live but it’s more aimed at people who think these thoughts but get beaten down by others. I have had these thoughts since a very young age and was told to snap out it and to “live in the real world” but what is the real world? Isn’t the world what we create in our heads? Is isn’t it all about perception?
I believe that we have all come to earth to achieve and learn certain lessons. All of us are on a certain rug of a spiritual ladder. Depending where you are on this ladder you will look at life differently. Some people will go through this incarnation never considering the questions mentioned above , never having the awareness. However what concerns me is the minority that do question and do have an awareness. They get caught up and lost and if they were happy doing that then this blog isn’t for them either. However drawing from personal experience I know what happens when you deny your true self, happiness becomes a distant friend only visiting once in a while.
I wish I had a courage to follow my feelings when I was younger and take more of a spiritual path but also understand that I had to get lost in illusion (Maya) in order to seek the truth. Now that I have the awareness of the bigger picture, I still find it hard to live up to my true potential. As you go through life , you pick up attachments. Attachments to friends to family, some of them who may not be fully up to speed on these matters as you are. These attachments then serve to hold you back in realising your goals as they introduce threads of doubt and insecurity. I acknowledge that we are here to interact with fellow human beings and we have to sustain relationships in order to learn the lessons but to achieve enlightenment /Moksha we have to see beyond this and follow the path we were meant to follow not matter the consequences. This does not mean hurting people we love or being a loner who goes into the forest but just having the courage to stand up to your beliefs and explaining to your loved ones how you feel. If someone truly loves you , they will want you to be happy and if that happiness does not follow convention so be it. If someone is very against your plans than you can carry on loving them sending them your love and then carry on with your life purpose.
The greatest injustice you can inflict upon yourself is not be true to yourself. So who is you want to be, what is you want to achieve? What are you waiting for? Today is a good a place to start as any.
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