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Life Coaching
Diploma Course
Life coaching is becoming more popular as a career path and there are a variety of other methods of coaching.
There are many similarities and crossovers between the methods and styles available and it can become very confusing.
Ultimately we all want what will work the best for us and our clients. With that in mind we have selected what we feel are the best strategies from the NLP coaching style so that you can develop the skills to help your clients.
Used correctly life coaching offers highly effective tools for positive change and focused direction in your life and the lives of your clients.
At the end of this course you will:
- Understand the role of the life coach.
- Understand life coaching and how it can enhance lives.
- Understand how to be an effective life coach.
- Understand how to help create action plans for your clients.
- Have a wide range of skills to use with your clients to help them achieve their goals.
- Be able to confidently support others to achieve their goals
- Have the ability to help others to change their lives positively.
Lesson 1
- Life coaching defined and explained
- What is coaching?
- Coaching can be used for many purposes, ranging from career and performance coaching through to sports and life coaching. Anything that a person wants to achieve can be enhanced and advanced with the assistance of a great coach. Coaching unlocks a person's potential to maximise their performance and potential.
- Traditional and conventional coaching tends to be specific in their approach. This means that the coach specialises in one profession or a single specialised area of expertise. Physical or sports coaches, for example, usually come from within their own professions. They have proved their success as professionally paid players or athletes.
- In tennis, the foremost coaches of the top-ranking players have themselves been tennis professionals. Similarly, football has also typically followed this pattern. In the major football clubs the coaches have come from the field of football, literally.
These, then, are examples of the traditional types of coach. They design the physical training programmes and coach their clients accordingly. They have expertise and experience in the skill required. Then they strive to advise and coach their protégés in this skill. These conventional coaches typically supply three quarters of the plan of action for their clients.
- During the 1980s the business coaches arrived in the guise of management or financial consultants. Their speciality is in the world of business and they spend their time establishing facts, preparing reports, designing new procedures and policies, and then helping the business client to implement the approved proposals. These consultants contribute almost three quarters of the plan of action required in much the same way as sports coaches.
- What is life coaching?
- Is life coaching a new phenomenon or an old profession dressed up to look exciting? Life coaching is one and both at the same time. It uses some of the skills of the old traditional coaching styles combined with new and creative concepts in coaching. It concentrates on the person's whole life rather than just one area.
- Life coaching is the antithesis of traditional and conventional coaching. At least three quarters of the action plan will come from the person being coached unlike in specialised coaching such as sports and business coaching.
- Life coaching breaches the disparity between thinking about doing something and actually doing it. Life coaching is about helping people learn rather than teaching them. Teaching or instructing someone is less effective in the long term than allowing them to experience and learn by themselves.
- Life coaching is future focused and about effective change. It involves setting goals, having a clear knowledge of the client's future wants, needs and desires, and helping the client to discover ways in which to achieve these goals.
- Life coaching is about planning and action, feedback and reflection. It is goal oriented and results focused.
- Life coaching is not therapy or counselling, which usually focus on the past, feelings and emotions, and the reasons why issues occurred. Therapy and counselling look to the past in order to attempt to resolve events that occurred in the past.
- While life coaching is focused on the future it accepts that emotions and pain exist from the past but it strives to focus more on what to do about them now and in the future.
- Life coaching is a relationship of interdependency based on honesty and respect, and the coach's unwavering belief that the client has an unlimited potential to fulfil their goal.
- Life coaching has absolutely nothing to do with giving advice or imposing your own knowledge on the client. It is about removing obstacles not adding any new ones.
- Life coaching is a vocation and an ethical profession. The life coach uses the power of commitment to enable their clients to achieve a beneficial and measurable result in all areas of their lives. Life coaching can be seen as a holistic process that has the power to balance and harmonise a person's life.
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