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Aimed at anyone facing indecision, feeling completely stuck in which direction to go. It seems this is especially true for those around the ages of 18-23, as they are pushed to make key life decisions (college, career choices, etc.). The message is also beneficial to anyone facing a turning point in their journey. The disharmony between the heart and the mind comes to a head. The response with this disconnect is stopping in your tracks until you have better information, to help you see which way to go. With Earth's Ascension leading up to 2012 and beyond, we have an increased level of support to get us onto our intended soul mission. This intensity is meant to assist, to help us shed false identities and get to our core, the real us, the Divine within each of us. That is found through the heart; it will never lead us astray, it guides us to follow our joy and it never gives up on us. This age group has a unique and valuable role to play in Earth's Ascension. They are sometimes called the Indigos but I find that too limiting. They are definitely starseeds -- expanded beings who came to Earth to raise her vibration and bring in higher dimensional awareness and existence. These beings came here to show us another way of being. I honor them and hope this video provides them with rejuvenation and encouragement that they will succeed, but it may be in a new way, a way they know at their core -- listen to your heart, it holds all the answers. Namaste, Jill Renee
[email protected]
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