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You had been living a very good happy life, you had a good business or job, your children had been going to good schools. Your wife was quite happy, passing her time by watching daily soaps, or by extravagant shopping, she had all the jewelry to show off. But, now your business has come to the edge of ruins all of a sudden. Now you find it very difficult to pay school fees of your kids; now you are unable to pay EMI of your bank. Your life has come to a standstill. Agony, tension, depression, sorrow, pain has possessed your life. Has it happened so? If yes, don’t lose your heart, don’t panic at all. You may be a privileged one whom God has chosen to communicate with.
Now analyze your previous life. Though, you were happy, passing a good time. But, life was just happening, or you had been living life with your mastership over it? Did you have time to live your individual life? Did you have space and time that was meant for just you? Had you been living a conscious life or you were just absorbed to live your so called happy life unconsciously? Just think, have an honest introspection and retrospection of it. If you had been living a totally unconscious life, you had been, then, wasting it; and you would have wasted it completely, had there not been a sudden change in your pattern. God, the nature, the conscious existence wants you live your life profoundly with a profound bliss. Earlier, of course, you were happy, but if was shallow and this was the height of unfortunate that you were not even aware of it. You would have wasted this precious life living unconsciously with shallow pleasure. Your happiness was just hormonal. You were deprived of the profound bliss which this kind existence wants to bestow onto you. God wants you to be profoundly blissful eternally. So, S/he has applied a break on your blindly running vehicle of your life. In fact, earlier you were not living; rather life had been living you. But just because of inertia and delirium you wish to continue in the same rhythm. Remember, inertia is the inherent property of matter. Do you wish to live your life like a matter? No, God does not want you to be just a matter. He has given the glory of consciousness, and you want to waste it? You want to waste his grand scheme for you?
Come out of your deep slumber. Awake, awake, O man, awake. See the beauty of nature, the sun has come to the zenith and moving towards the horizon with its majestic horses of golden rays. Wind is oscillating, birds are chirping, flowers are dancing in its full grace. The whole existence is celebrating its divine pristine beauty. Why are you forced to live a wretched life of a laborers – getting up in the morning, rushing to your jobs and business and getting lost in the crowd? You are the part of the Divine, the Bliss; why will the divine let you keep running blindly in intoxication? No, God wants you to be tremendously happy.
So now, you need to explore the noble divine dimension of your life. The change in your spectrum is not an adversity; rather it is a great opportunity for you. Now forget the worldly affair and discover your real self. So far, you have lived on outer periphery; now go to your core and discover the vast, the source of eternal divine bliss in you. You are privileged that God has taken care of you. God has selected you to aboard his dazzling chariots of consciousness. Have a flight to heaven of divine eternal bliss and beatitude.
Thank You.
Swami Aaron
[email protected],
Author of:
• A Date with God
• In Love with All Beautiful Women
• On the Wings of the Self
• The Journey of Speaking Silence
• Dancing on the Last Threshold of the Universe
• Beyond the Beyond
• Quantum Jump into God
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