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Dear friends, I was listening one of most beautiful music of Manish Vyash titled “Shivoham” (You also can listen it on YouTube), and I happened to get dissolved into the vast ocean of divine bliss and in this state I happened to write a poem titled “Marriage with the Self”. I wish to shower this bliss onto you all. Please go through this poem as well as that music of Manish Vyash. If Manish Vyash were here in front of me, I would have genuflected before him.
Marriage with the Self
In the temple of my solitude,
God fragrances all around,
silence sings its core,
my soul overwhelms
encompassing the entire cosmos within.
I celebrate my flowering in self,
dancing with my crux
I drink the ambrosia of the existence,
Then, even the nothingness pops up,
and manifests its core essence.
Now, I gently expand in void,
I intermingle and get dissolved
into the nihilistic entity.
Thank You.
Swami Aaron
[email protected],
Author of:
• A Date with God
• In Love with All Beautiful Women
• On the Wings of the Self
• The Journey of Speaking Silence
• Dancing on the Last Threshold of the Universe
• Beyond the Beyond
• Quantum Jump into God
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