Wed,15 Apr 2009
The energetic vibrations that you attain represent the learning and growth you have achieved through your healing work and willingness to ascend through transformation. Each lifetime you set an intent...Read More
Fri,10 Apr 2009
Each of you has many questions about your life and purpose. You seek answers but what you really want is reassurance, that you will overcome the challenges you are faced with, you will find the love y...Read More
Mon,06 Apr 2009
As we are born into a new lifetime there is a part of us that is ready for new challenges, new experiences and grateful for the opportunity to try again, to right past wrongs and create a life that re...Read More
Sun,29 Mar 2009
As we move through these tumultuous times the energy shifts can be difficult to process. There is a greater awareness of the energetic polarities, so while there is more light, there is also more fear...Read More
Thu,26 Mar 2009
Whatever you have forgotten about joy, peace, unconditional love and the blessings of spirit, your soul remembers. It remembers that there is a connection within you to a place where you are free of g...Read More
Thu,19 Mar 2009
The cycle of completion we are entering is the end of the era of the 'human human' and the beginning of the 'spiritual human'. And we are here because we have collectively chosen to raise our vibratio...Read More
Mon,16 Mar 2009
Each moment of your journey is planned to give you every opportunity to transcend the darkness that you believed was your path and find the light. Each experience is a lesson in healing, finding your ...Read More
Fri,13 Mar 2009
Jennifer Hoffman is a spiritual intuitive, author, speaker, teacher and channel for the Archangel Uriel. Her path has often been challenging, which has provided her with the insight and compassion tha...Read More