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Testifying at The Hague
March 7, 2012
Mission Accomplished, Going Home
Testimony at The Hague Tribunal draws praise from all trial participants, observers
THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Mar 7 - First, the bottom line: Mission accomplished. I have completed my testimony today here at the War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague. You should be able to see a news report about it tomorrow at this official Tribunal web page: For now, I will share with you a brief summary of what happened and some of the reactions to my testimony.
First, before I left my hotel room, I asked my guides and teachers to stay with me and help me represent the Spirit realm adequately in Court today.
"It's an awesome responsibility, and I need you to he

Bob at The Hague Court
lp me say the right things, do the right things, and do both at the right time," I said. And by golly, did they ever respond. I truly felt inspired. And the whole thing seemed completely effortless. Everybody was amazed that I was so relaxed in my first-ever testimony. So when it was all over, I also thanked the Spirit realm for their help and support. I told them all the credit goes to them. I was just a body relaying their messages.
The testimony took a little under four hours. It was broadcast live on public-service type TV all around The Hague Court, and with a half-hour delay also in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, etc., as well as around the world through Internet video streaming.
Of course, I did not know any of that in advance. So I was surprised when so many people came to congratulate me on my testimony after it was over. Those not in the courtroom were evidently watching it on TV.
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