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Basalt rock that exploded in sacred fire
Global Mission 2012
Setting Up Global Ceke Lines
Step 1: Connecting Alpine Mountain Spirits with Hawaiian Volcano Spirits and Andean Apus
Step 2: Connecting Himalayas to Hawaii, Andes and Alps
Step 3: Australia and Africa?
HAIKU, Maui, Feb 22 - It's really amazing how the Spirit works. And how our guides and teachers help us CO-CREATE and work TOGETHER. Less than a day after I had shared with you all the dual purpose of my upcoming European mission, the "how to"-part began to unfold. It started in the wee hours of the morning (after midnight local time here in Hawaii) with a message from Eve Bruce, Elizabeth's split soul, and a wonderful shaman and an MD who currently resides in Inch, Ireland.
"If you feel called to, I am hoping that you will find a metal, perhaps iron, stake to place at that point in the Alps," Eve said. "At that vortex. Acupuncture, and will connect to several other vortices."
Acupuncture! That's exactly what I said to the Light Beings in our Ja

Coricancha, Golden Temple, Cusco, Peru
n 3 discussion about how I feel as a shaman - as a rod or an acupuncture needle connecting the Heaven and the Earth, and facilitating the flow of energy between these spots.
While doing my usual post-midnight prayers and meditation, Eve's idea sparked another. Here's what I wrote to her at 1:20AM:
"Eve, your idea has just spawned another. I am getting an intuition that what I need to take with me and place there in the Alps, as sort of a Despacho from Hawaii as well as a rod - acupuncture point - is that basalt rock that exploded in the fire here during the last Full Moon ceremony. I thought that a piece of it should go into my mesa. And a small piece will (right). But the bigger piece, the remainder of the original basalt, the lava baked in Pele's fire, should remain in the Alps as sort of a beacon to which I and others can energetically connect." (see below).
Before going to bed, I picked up the three pieces, put them in a zip-lock bag near my Mesa so I would not forget to pack them.
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