Steve Rother is an American citizen, currently living in Las Vegas. He used to be an entrepreneur, until he became a Lightworker and an author. 5 books have been published so far, which have been translated into 11 different languages.
His change from entrepreneur to Lightworker happened following a spiritual experience on new year's eve 1996. That night, he started saying things which, according to himself, did not originate from himself, but came from "the group". A group of 9 'energetic entities'. These 'messages' brought by 'the group' were bundled in books.
Together with his wife Barbara, he travels around the globe, spreading these messages from the group and putting them into practice. His activities are managed by a non-profit organisation called 'Lightworker Corporation'.
My Articles
Tue,29 Dec 2009
Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home January 2010
Life is a Self Fulfilling Prophecy. The group has been saying that for a very long time but in this message they take things to a whole new leve...Read More
Thu,04 Jun 2009
Message from Steve Rother:
One point I have noticed is that people have many different reactions to the word family.
I was blessed to have an incredible supportive biological family but many hav...Read More
Sun,05 Apr 2009
From Steve: As we work our way further into the economic restructuring that is now unfolding on Planet Earth the group took this message to give more information on the future of corporations, governm...Read More
Fri,13 Mar 2009
Steve Rother is an American citizen, currently living in Las Vegas. He used to be an entrepreneur, until he became a Lightworker and an author. 5 books have been published so far, which have been tran...Read More
Sun,08 Mar 2009
The Beacons of Light for March 2009 is: "The Days of Atlantis are Back - Doing it Differently"
This month's message from the group is about an event that will take place on July 21 & 22 2009. They ...Read More
Fri,06 Feb 2009
The Beacons of Light for February 2009 is: The End of Separation
This month the group talks about the year 2009. Nine in numerology is completion. Actually in most numerological circles the number ...Read More
Sat,27 Dec 2008
The Beacons of Light for January 2009 is: "Cosmic Particles of Truth ~ The Re-birth of Earth"
n this message the group gave us a current overview from three different perspectives. They looked at c...Read More
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