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Jenny & Alan Cox
Apologies for the title of this article it caught my eye in a Sunday supplement the secret shame is Antenatal depression (AND), I had never never heard of it and according to the magazine I am not alone. AND affects 15 per cent of women having babies in the UK, the silence surrounding AND is where we were 10 years ago with post-natal depression says psychologist Dr Sandra Wheatley.
Understandably women worry about being judged or deemed incapable of being a good mother if they admit they are depressed, there are huge fears surrounding this and the medical profession say its a massive barrier to asking for help. For more information on this report visit
Our technique The Balance Procedure has been introduced to many newly pregnant women with fantastic results whether any of those where depressed we don't know, what is apparent is when these ladies used The Balance Procedure daily their pregnancies went very smoothly and in all cases led to pain free births. The Balance Procedure has also successfully used on people with depression and I would like to share our technique with pregnant women whether depressed or not.
With enough interest I would love to run a study this will be inexpensive to take part in and easily understood by all of you who wish to participate. If you want to contact me please e-mail
[email protected].
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