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There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton
There’s a lot of stuff out there in the form of books, CDs, websites, podcasts, youtube clips, etc explaining the how energy works in terms of creating and manifesting the life we want. I’m sure many of you have heard of “The Secret” film and book, and you may well also have heard about Esther and Jerry Hicks who channel “Abraham”. There’s a whole lot more out there too and much of it is really good stuff.
The long and short of the messages given in these materials is that we create the life we are currently living by what we are thinking and feeling. The better we feel the more positive life we are creating for ourselves.
Some weeks ago I talked about Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist, who found that our thoughts and feelings actually do have a significant impact upon the formation of the water crystals both within our own body and the world around us. Quite simply put, how we are thinking and feeling really does have an effect upon other people and the world around us – both positive and negative.
My message this week is going to be quite direct: take responsibility for how you are feeling because, without doubt, your feelings and energy are effecting the world around you. Do you really want to be the one responsible for sending out such negative energy patterns that you are helping to bring down other people? Any negative thoughts and feelings that we send out could potentially be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Take for instance someone you know who is in a bit of a bad space at the moment. Any negative or unhelpful thoughts and feelings you have about that person could be the “straw” that, quite literally, tips them over the edge. Talking negatively about anyone sends them negative energy that will affect their energy system and life. You’ve all seen I’m sure those films, or read books, where the last interaction two people have is an argument or disagreement before one of them keels over and dies. The one who lives can end up feeling so guilty and upset that his/her last words to the person were not ones of love, support, and understanding.
Now I’m not saying we have to go around being all fluffy and nice to people who we are finding quite annoying. But we can choose to disengage with them until they’re in a better space and, more importantly, not talk negatively about them to anyone else. Rather, hold a space for the person of love and acceptance for where they are, and visualise them centred and calm. That will do you both the world of good and help to uplift you both to a higher level of consciousness.
We must take responsibility for the energy we flow and how we choose to respond to others. No longer can we use the excuse “he made me feel bad” or “she made me so angry”. Remember, we are all doing the best with what we have and where we are, even if we’re in an unhelpful space. At the end of the day, we expect tolerance and acceptance from others so it’s only fair we reciprocate. Isn’t it?
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