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If you're like me you have explored metaphysics as part of your journey. Numerology, Astrology, Tarot, Runes, Crystals...the list goes on and on. But where does it all lead?
Hopefully it is moving you toward a place where your vibration is lifted. One of the best ways to raise your vibration is through meditation. This simple daily self "time-out" exercise can help develop your intuition, enhance your creativity and connect you to your higher self.
It only takes 15 minutes. Just begin with an introductory prayer (see link below) to ask for protection and set your intention. Always be sure to state exactly what you are hoping to achieve.
Some examples of setting your intention are:
Meeting your guides
Spiritual development- seeing, hearing, sensing
Spiritual connection - loved ones
As you meditate daily be sure to keep a journal. Hopefully, if your journal is like mine, you will be given insight to help you with your journey. Here is a sample out of my journal:
Meditation on Beach: A pool of deep blue water that appeared to have bubbling water underground- green tiny shoots of grass peeking up.
A birds wing appears and the feathers are all disassembled and they are each numbered…someone is showing me the different feathers and how they all get reassembled into a wing—I finish the meditation to find a gang of seagulls sitting all around me.
I am often given visions regarding water and water conservation. The bird's wing reminds me of the order in nature. Raising your vibration gives you a deeper respect for the earth's resources and inhabitants.
Meditation: I am speaking with a man and I am asking him about true north he tells me to look up- I do and suddenly I am looking down over a building- I can see it is near where I live so I adjust my vision and I am seeing over the top of our condo on the Clearwater Bay, FL—amazing.
Who is this man? Most likely a guide as I often find myself with someone instructing or teaching me. I was so amazed that I could look up and find myself peering sky-high down on my home like a bird. Raising your vibration enables you to use thought to see the universe.
Think of your daily meditations as your oasis during your journey. Continue with your seeking and enjoy the adventure but always remember that your compass lies within.
To learn more about how you can begin to include meditation in your life please read How to Begin.
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