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After death we will wake up in a far greater and more expansive reality than we are accustomed to here on earth, , and eventually we will acquire more extended faculties to experience life there. At first, we will continue to be the same person as we were on earth, but eventually we will find ourselves able to think and understand far more than we could envisage right now, with our limited experience and knowledge..
There are a great many descriptions of the greater life in the spirit world, and the vastness of the spirit universe. We have already examined some of these descriptions. However, not so much has been written about our greatly-expanded state of consciousness. One way to remedy this would be to study the lives and writings of our great saints and sages, geniuses, philosophers and creative artists. Beyond the great masters, healers and teachers in our Scriptures, names such as the following come to mind: Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis, Meister Eckhart, Giordano Bruno, Leibnitz, Spinoza, Voltaire, Swedenborg .... and all the great artists, writers and musicians, an endless line of great names., fine examples to follow, as well as our great prophets of all religions and cultures. We would not become as wise and creative as them straight away, just through dying. But the potential to work towards being more enlightened and talented would be open to us, if our standard and quality of life on earth allowed us to progress. A life of crime, tyranny and abuse, for example, would not entitle us to an enlightened existence after death. We would first have to see the error of our ways, and then wish to follow a new, more positive path. However, no one is condemned to live eternally in darkness or isolated in a limbo of selfishness.
Our human mind is formed round our five physical senses of touch, taste, sight, sound and smell. Harvard Professor Howard Gardner in his books ''Frames of Mind'' and Multiple Intelligences'' offers us seven further abilities or intelligences comprising linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. The latter would be the capacity to form an accurate model of ourselves and be able to use that model to operate effectively in life. I asked him 'what he thought about psychic ability, or a sixth sense and he replied that though he remained a sceptic in such matters, like Carl Sagan, he conceded that there might be further spiritual, existential and naturalistic intelligences.
Many animals have more heightened senses than us humans. Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, birds have acute eyesight tracking prey from high in the sky, and most animals have more acute hearing than us. Many also have psychic abilities, can see into the spirit world, are aware of spirits and can sense danger coming from a great distance. They can also be used by spirit to provide us with signs and warnings.
But we are looking at the abilities human have, here on earth, many of which lie dormant and unused. We can be more vigilant, and make use of them, develop them, and so take them with us into the spirit world when our time comes, equipped with a greater mind and intelligence, we will be able to progress much faster once we are over there.
We could say that in addition to our five physical senses there is a corresponding number of psychic senses, commonly called our ''sixth sense,'' comprising telepathy, premonitions, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and similar psychic abilities with smell and taste. Mediums can often share the taste or smell the fragrances of spiritual scenes and occurrences. Merging with the spirit world, they are aware of the greater depth of dimensions there.
But back here, there are several more inner senses which we hardly touch. Jane Roberts mentions them in chapter 19 of ''The Seth Material.'' Briefly, they include 1) Inner Vibrational Touch, 2) Psy Time, 3) Simultaneous Awareness of Past, Present and Future - Psychic Archaeology and Psychometry, 4) Cognition of Concepts, 5) Cognition of Knowledgeable Essence, or being able to enter a person's total being in order to understand them, 6) Innate Knowledge of Basic Reality, 7) Expansion or Contraction of the Tissue Capsule, 8) Disentanglement from Appearances, or the ''Camouflage'' Reality, 9) Diffusion of the Energy Personality, 10) Experience of Omniscience, or belonging to our ''Oversoul'' or spirit entity.
So instead of only five or six senses we have at first glance, over thirty. There are probably many more. So our task, as we become aware of these inner and outer senses, is to develop them now, so they will be with us when we pass over into the spirit world, permanently. We can take nothing material with us, but only our qualities, state of mind and emotions, and our skills and true interests. So this is the ''greater'' part of us, with which to experience the far greater world of spirit which we shall inevitably encounter.
In the previous article I listed 25 or so books which provide descriptions of life in the spirit world. I have a total of 40 such lists, comprising some 1000 books on the subject. Many writers who join discussions in this group website are included. To name a few, Marilyn Awtry Smith, Robert Egby, Revd. Ronald L. Koch, David Jevons, Revd. Jane and Walter Meyer zu Erpen. I will include some of these further lists later on in this series, as well as continuing to deal with these inner senses and intelligences. So there are two sides to this coin, the Greater Spirit World, and the Greater Mind, with all its many intelligences and senses needed to negotiate that world.
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