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Joseph is here again with some more understanding (If you believe)
Writing about “Spirituality and spirit” these are my next topics to tell you how I now see them, and this I feel as I write these words are going to be “The unusual for you”
It as been told to and explained to me in so many different way over the years that I don’t know where to begin, but begin I must, so first a statement of “How I understand it to be”
So many time I have been told there is “No spirituality” there is
“No spiritual growth”
Now for the sake of explaining and as you know of talking to or with others “We” need to use these words, but in the truth that I “Now believe and understand” there is none of this. We are what we are, our vibrations are what we are and “We are not all the same”
We are not all here on Earth trying to get anywhere or go higher. We come as we really are “Inside” as you say “Spirit” and live our lives, our pre-planned lives. We come to experience what “We have already planned to do,” I have also been told many times that so many of us (I myself many times so they say) do not do what we come to do.
We are taken off our life plan because of the Earthly pull of money, power and sex. I am told that these three “Things” are the main driving thoughts in almost every person on Earth. They are the three things that stop most from their life plans, but in truth it does not really matter because as I am told, all and every experience is an experience and all are worth having.
I am told and have come to believe that mankind are not all the same.
We do not all come from the same place (Wherever that is?)
I will explain it this way to you:
On planet Earth are millions of people, most are what I will call “Earth energies” they are the ones that come and go all the time. Life after life but always here on Earth, I have asked my guides about this and “Spiritual growth for them” and it has been explained a few times:
That “They” can have whatever they wish for and can if they wish try to attain a higher vibration and so progress spiritually upwards, but they never wish to do it. They are happy to be what they are. Some that have tried it over the years have all failed.
So it is that most people on planet Earth are what they are and their “Spirit or soul inside” doe’s not wish for spiritual growth. Now amongst all the people on Earth are many different “Life forms” that are not of Earth. That is to say “They” can come and go. When they die they can go back to where they come from while the rest must stay around Earth and this place is called “By them – the Sublime” this is where all the life energies from the dead people go, then they may whoever they are reincarnate if they wish or as I have written go back to their home planet.
What I have been told and believe is this:
While most life on this planet is made up of those that “Are to do with the planet” there comes other life forms with “Higher vibrations” they come to try to do “Their thing” and as with many others (As I am told) even they these high vibrations can lose their way.
Even with these high energy life forms or vibrations, even they do not have spiritual growth, they as everyone else find it hard to raise their vibration and end up being content to just be the way there are. This is what I have come to learn and I did say it would be the unusual, but for me it makes sense? It was explained to me that if we took a lower vibrations say of a cat or a dog.
How would you explain to them about your life and how the world is? They could never ever understand in the way they are, and however long you tried it would be pointless.
This I am told is the same for all vibrations, whatever level they are -- they are what they are and are happy to be that way and to try to be different just does not work. It is the way of the universe. This does not mean that anyone looses out for each and every life energy lives the existence that it likes to live. If it didn’t it would do something about it but never does.
It as been explained to me that planet Earth is like a “Giant Alton towers” where life energies come to “Play” and they come from all over the Galaxy.
I am told that there are so many worlds just like Earth and that they all come to play their games doing all the things they cannot do in their true reality.
They come to play in the illusion of Earth with its limitations and emotions. Both of these “Things” the higher life energies do not have (They are above them) so they come here to experience them. And to experience them they must play games with all the different vibrations that also come here to play. A mish-mash of many different energies all “Playing games” there is nothing spiritual about any of it and no spiritual growth.
When they go back to “Their true self” they are just the same no higher and no lower. This I believe to be the true way of life on Earth. This is one of the reasons why I say nothing about “What others do” for in truth I believe all this and I have no idea who or what someone is or why they are here. It is like this for me:
I see someone or hear of someone who does something “Bad”, what must I do? What is it to me, what can I do? For who are they “The real them” are they a lower life energy or are they a high life energy. Tell me; who can tell, who can comment on the way it is if you believe what I totally believe.
I hope these words helped and did not confuse… love and light to all…Joseph
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