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Every one of us has been faced with a situation that may have made us feel uncomfortable, fearful, weary or just plain confused. Not everything in life is plain sailing and sometimes we can feel as though we are adrift on a sea of confusion. But knowing that others have faced these challenges and difficulties and in spite of them have powered through should offer hope that we too can do the same.
So how can we become an empowered pioneer of our destiny? What’s the best navigation system we can use to help us charter the sometimes turbulent waters of our life? As a holistic life coach I have worked with many clients, supporting and guiding them as they face these questions and the number 1 reason that people cite as being the biggest reason that holds them back is FEAR – or as I like to call it the Feeling Excessive Apprehension Reality. What this means is that our mind is in a state of heightened anxiety and the undercurrents of fear have become waves of emotions and thoughts that have entered into our conscious awareness and have begun to create tidal waves of limiting beliefs that are drowning our ability to think clearly.
We have all experienced these fears at some time in our life, but the difference between those that cut loose and overcome them and those that don’t is one thing and that is simply their thought processes. So how do we overcome the thoughts that play into the fears that can wreak havoc with our lives and prevent us from being the best versions of ourselves that we possibly can be? There’s so many techniques that can be helpful, powerful and effective and here I’ll share one that I use with clients in my practice, as it is very empowering.
This really effective technique that is used in coaching is what’s called a future desired state – FDS is a really great way for us to become an observer of our future life, as though we are spectators viewing it as a movie. But, more than this we not only ‘see’ how our future self is we immerse ourselves in the whole experience – the smells, the feelings, what we see, even down to what we’re wearing. Imagine that there’s something in your life that you feel as though is ‘looming’ over you, but it’s something that one way or another you’re going to have to deal with at some point. For example, say you have a presentation at work that you’ve been asked to give, as you think about this you may be feeling the FEAR that I spoke about earlier (Feeling Excessive Apprehension Reality) instead of feeding into this state of mind, begin to see yourself within that future situation, when you are actually giving the presentation to your colleagues. Notice everything around you – who’s there? what are they wearing? what room are you in? Really look closely at yourself now – what are you wearing? Are you standing or sitting? How do you address the people in the room? How do they react/interact with you? How is the room layed out? Use all of your senses for this exercise and visualise as much information as you possibly can, down to the minutest detail.
When you have completed this exercise notice how you feel now. Was it a positive experience? Has the fear given way to something closer to excitement? Have you changed what was a limiting belief to one of self- belief and self-awareness that you are very much capable of giving a great presentation? This really powerful coaching technique will help you to work through and beyond your fears, as you retrain your mind and thought processes in a way that is both empowering and liberating.
When we allow ourselves to see that we can be successful, happy and free from self-imposed limitations we allow freedom to be the answer. Freedom from fear and freedom to express who we really are. As you set sail on your journey, I hope that you can navigate in the knowledge that you truly are an empowered pioneer, fully in control of your own destiny and able to be free from the fears that hold you back! Happy sailing soul travellers, Jo Cruise
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