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Following the heartbreaking death of my mother from cancer 18 months ago my father was also told the devastating news just 6 weeks before losing mum that he too was terminally ill, and also had cancer.
This dreadful chain of events left our family bewildered & stunned. I had always been so close to mum. And my dad was the father figure for both my children. Mum the rock of our family, the glue that kept
us together, she had worked hard all her life caring for so many other people. Mum had a selfless, loving nature & a complete understanding of all her family.
Although these were extraordinarily difficult times for us all, I began to make a close connection with my angels. I asked them for help and they answered my plea. What followed next was an amazing journey of healing, inner discovery & transformation.
I had a well paid job, in an area I believed was my vocation. I had spent many years of training & gaining a degree (as a mature student & single parent) to become a social worker. But, my heart was no longer in the job. With nothing but the courage of my convictions, my intuition & of course my angels & the universe guiding me I took a giant leap of faith. I resigned from my post & began to feel divinely inspired. I was meditating, listening to soulful healing sounds, connecting to nature & listening to the whispers of my angels. What began to unfold was a journey of synchronicity & divine guidance.
This was still a painful time as my father became increasingly ill & dependant on family & carers for everything. He had lost his wife, his soul mate & first and only love of his life. To now watch my father’s illness take a grip was truly awful, and following my mum's battle I felt torn apart. My heart was breaking into pieces.
During a particularly low period I called upon my angels for help, I felt alone, unable to ask anyone for help, as all my family were also in pain & grieving. Suddenly, I felt the presence of AA Gabriel & an overwhelming feeling of peace & love filled me. I hadn't felt such a profound sense of peace in such a long time. The transformation I experienced & the shift in my whole being was a miracle. It was so sudden! Literally one minute I was in a dark place, alone, afraid I'd made the wrong decision about my job & fearful of losing my father, heartbroken at seeing him suffer so much physical and emotional pain & still grieving for the loss of my mum, my ally and confidant, my friend and the person who had shared so many of my life’s ups and downs and the next minute I felt a complete serenity, peace & love fill me up.
I felt that somewhere inside me a very deep and profound change had happened. It was a very physical feeling, which affected me also on a very deep emotional level. I knew that I was being given an amazing gift; I had a truly wonderful opportunity to do something life-changing. I felt literally that at that moment I was being reborn. I realised that the death of both my parents, whilst traumatic & heart-breaking had triggered an almost catalytic metamorphosis within my soul.
I instinctively knew that I would never be the same person again. This was to be the beginning of a very different period in my life. I felt like I was being given the chance of a re-birth & I felt the love of angels enter my heart.
Turning this corner I felt that I would now always be in the company of angels & I began to communicate with them more & more. I asked for their help in day to day living and they guided me to a new path that resonated with my heart and soul. I felt in a vortex, everything seemed to be flowing towards me, guiding me on my soul’s path. Synchronicities occurred, I was receiving so much information through dreams and during meditations and I listened to the messages I was receiving. I began to write these messages down, I didn’t waiver for a moment as I knew it was the angels helping me, I had sent a request from my broken heart for their support and they were showing me in so many ways how much they loved and cared for me.
They gave me ideas and inspiration for a new business venture; they inspired me to set this up with my daughter, they gave me the name of the business -Holistic Angels and showed me what the business would be. They even showed me how to make a successful trademark application through the Intellectual Property Office! I had never set up a business before, never applied for a trade mark, I didn’t know anything about business book-keeping, I didn’t even understand social media!
But, the angels have been by my side and my daughter’s throughout this experience, guiding us to meet the right people, see just the right adverts for training – everything! The whole business really has been founded with the help and inspiration of the angels. I continue to listen to their nudges & their promptings – even if it feels uncomfortable! For I know that they want me to achieve my highest possible potential and they show me how I can do this. I’ve completed training, becoming a reiki master, life coach and more and still they guide me towards new and exciting opportunities. Having the angels enter my life this way has been comforting, loving, uplifting and also allowed my heart and soul to be aligned to fulfil my soul’s path. Everything that the business is or will become is as a result of the angels and I am thankful and humbled that they have entered my life. I feel on a deep soul level that the Universe supports my needs & I'm grateful that my heart is healing.
It's been nearly two years since mum passed away & 6 months since dad died. But their memories are etched upon my heart forever & I can now remember the happy times we spent together as a family & I'm able to smile. I know that the path I walk now is illuminated with the angel's love and I feel loved and blessed.
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