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Read on to find out why putting healthy boundaries in your relationships is vital to you living fully empowered from your heart, so that you may grow with love on your soul journey.
Firstly, did you know that it’s ok for you to put some emotional distance between you and the people who constantly impinge on your boundaries? But, what’s not ok is allowing others to take away your power in the first place, that’s a recipe for relationships to become; co-dependant and disempowering for all parties involved.
When we have healthy boundaries in place, our relationships can do one of two things - either flourish and grow as a result of the mutual respect that you are working towards or come to a natural end if one or both parties cannot respect that you both should be mindful of the other individual’s personal space. In any relationship, whether it be family, friendships or work colleagues we have to ensure these boundaries are respected at all times.
Whilst the concept of boundaries may seem more straight forward at work, on a professional level, the challenges can arise within our more personal & intimate relationships. Here we have to work extra hard at developing relationships that are mutually respectful and nurturing, and that don’t ‘overstep’ the invisible boundaries that can lead either party to feel; undervalued, underappreciated and all the other feelings that can bubble up to the surface when our boundaries and personal space have been ignored and invaded.
So, how do we go about putting in place our boundaries? Whilst we don’t want to build a metaphorical wall around us, complete with moat and drawbridge, that no one can ever get closer than 10 paces to, we also don’t want to allow anyone to stomp over our feelings, disrespect our personal space or our views and thoughts either. In other words, we need to find a healthy balance between what we will and will not accept. The boundaries we create involve us having a clear idea in our mind about what behaviours we accept & those we don't. It's about putting strategies in place to keep those boundaries healthy at all times, so that those relationships stay healthy, flourish & thrive.
A word of caution that is definitely worthy of discussion here is that, if any relationship continues to bring up any negative emotional responses, thoughts & feelings in us then this is a red flag & we definitely need to look at those boundaries closely. Our emotional responses are the sub-conscious triggers we have when we are faced with a particular person or situation. These ‘gut instincts’ can also be our intuition guidin
g us to take steps that honour us as empowered and divine expressions of the mind, body and spirit beings we are and should always be heeded.
For example, imagine for a moment that one party has gone through some major changes in their life & the other party can't accept the changes that have occurred within that person. Now, because of this personal transformation the boundaries may no longer be serving the best interest of either party and may need to be reviewed again. It is always ok to re-establish new boundaries, and it’s highly likely when our lives change that some of our boundaries may also need to change too.
Remember, you are capable of making any adjustments to the situation that honour who you are. You owe it to yourself & your time here on Earth to do so & you must. Some people may view the steps needed when putting healthy boundaries in place as a difficult process, or one that feels too confrontational and should be avoided at all costs. But, confrontation isn’t a bad thing when handled positively and pro-actively, though failing to impose the restrictions that; erode your self-confidence, undermine the very nature of who you are, is dis-empowering and very unhealthy both psychologically and emotionally.
Sometimes putting healthy boundaries in place sadly isn’t enough and then decisions need to be made as to whether all ties should be severed, so that you can move on with your life. If this happens firstly, know that you haven't failed in any way & secondly, if you are truly making this decision from a place of honesty, integrity and love then it's the right decision for you.
Remember that your soul journey is one where you to be able to grow, evolve, expand your level of consciousness & awareness & to learn from every single experience, situation & person that comes into your life. Sometimes, relationships do break up or break down & simply cannot 'be fixed' and no amount of healthy boundaries can ever resolve or restore the relationship, but we can move on without the need for; blame, reprisals or anger. We can and should always choose to move forward in our relationships a way that is positive, healthy and which honours the beautiful souls we all are.
Keep your boundaries healthy & stand in your power, you have an amazing opportunity to live your life to its fullest divine expression and through the wisdom of your soul's joy. Happy travelling dear soul travellers.
Jo Cruise BA (Hons) Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and The Reiki Association - Holistic Life Coach & Author. Inspiring you to Step into your Power!
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