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Last night after a meditation session at the Unitarian Church, we were asked to talk about our spiritual life and practice, and some people commented on how difficult it was for them to bring their “regular” life and their spiritual life together. I asked a young girl what it meant for her to have a spiritual life. She said: well, to be with God. As we drove home, her words got me thinking: is it possible Not to be with God? And then I realized it was not whatever you were with the Divine or not, but how aware you were of that fact.
I have noticed that many people seem to relate spiritual life with a specific practice, be it meditation, praying, going to service or mass. And whereas it’s true that all of the above can open up people to the presence of the Divine, I am of the opinion the Divine is present in all and everything we are, we see and we do. Spirit is there o your bed and Spirit is there in that warm, comforting sensation that fills your body when you have a good cup of tea after walking under the rain. The Goddess is in every half smile you offer to or receive from a stranger in the street, not sure of why it was given on the first place, but almost always accompanied by a fleeting, intangible sense of recognition. God is in that indignation you feel when witnessing injustice; in that anger at wrongs that makes you want to do right; in those two, five or twenty pounds a month you give to save snow leopards, abused children and woodlands.
Personally, I am terribly bored by most sports and would rather go to the dentist than to a football match. But I do think that the Divine is there, in the silly game of grown men kicking a poor ball. It’s there in the two or three generations of a same family that may not have much to talk about, but stand together waiting for that ball to hit that net; in those seconds, when thousand of strangers hold their breath at the same time as the ball flies across the stadium, forgetting for a moment all their worries,
all their differences, all that sets them apart, to cheer in one voice when the goal is achieved. True, it’s an instant, but as any mystic will tell you, that’s all you need to reach the heavens -if you are aware of the magical moment you are living in.
So to me, spiritual life is not something different from your regular life. Spiritual life, is life, lived consciously. Every time you take a breather and look at the rain, not as that annoying thing that frizzes your hair, but as a blessing to the land, you are living spiritually. Each time you put yourself in the place of those who suffer, and you send your love and/or take some form of action to help ease their pain, your are living spiritually. Those days you decide to get up early and make a really nice breakfast for your partner, including cinnamon in their coffee, because the poor dear was really tired last night, you are living spiritually. When you buy a funny card for your best friend, just because, you are living spiritually. All those times you have stopped and heard the birds and seen the sun shine of green leaves, you are living spiritually. All those times you looked at yourself on the mirror and smiled and said something like, “you know what? I look good today” you are living spiritually.
Do have a spiritual practice if you can, one that fulfils you and that you really enjoy. There are many different types of meditation, different ways of praying and worshipping. But also gift yourself the stillness of a minute or two during the day to see Divine at work in the world around you. Open yourself to be God’s hands and learn to see those regular, common, simple things with the Goddess’ eyes, with love, and wonder and gratitude and awe. Live from your truth and let your actions be a genuine reflection of all the goodness, creativity, courage, acceptance, beauty, mercy, and joy inside of you and you will be living from the Spirit within, relating to the many faces of the Spirit without.
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