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Distant healing can be conducted for one person at a time or for many people in different locations in the same country and all over the world. When I do distant healing I connect to healing energy, and use a specific distant healing symbol, to assist the process. I prefer to have the name and photo of people who I am sending Reiki to, in order to help the connection to that person, people who want the energy sending to them. I know that I can send healing energy to anywhere, to someone in the room next door, to someone in another area altogether. You don't need to believe it works, you can try it and see.
When you are going to have distant
healing- Sit down or lie down at eight, or later in the evening, that is fine, close your eyes, and say I would like to receive distant healing from Sheila Ann now, and relax for a while. I would suggest to relax for 10 mins at least, you could relax for half an hour or an hour. Afterwards drink some water and take time to come around. Some people see colours, feel heat or cool, or tingling, or you may feel nothing but deeply relaxed, the energy will still be working for you. Reiki is a natural energy healing method which has no contra-indications, and is good for health, and recovery from illness or injury. Namaste
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