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People comment on seeing colours when they have Reiki, I see purple often when I do utilise Reiki energy for myself, or have it at a Reiki share. Some people say they feel warmth from the practitioners hands, or tingling, for a short time. Sometimes people feel emotional afterwards, if the session has brought things to the surface. Some people say they feel like they are floating- I have had this experience myself. I have felt the energy, and people who I have done Reiki for, have said they have felt the energy. But, you may not feel any of these things and the life energy will still be working for you. You will feel deeply relaxed, and calm. Reiki energy is soothing and people say it feels wonderful and gentle. Reiki helps if you are stressed, run down, over tired, and anxious or worried. It helps you to let go of tension and anxieties, and negative feelings. It lifts your spirits. It helps with pain relief. Afterwards drink some water and avoid caffeine and alcohol for the rest of the day if possible. Reiki is deeply relaxing so take time to ‘wake up’ before driving. It works at different levels, and in different ways for each person. It is an individual experience, depending on what you need.
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