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I often send healing energy to dogs and cats who have been injured or who are ill, and I see their photos on the internet. Most of the time it is dogs and cats in rescue shelters, some of the time they are in newspapers. This is of course done without any payment, and I usually see one or more every time I go on the internet. The ones who end up in the newspapers have usually been abused, often very cruelly. I can't understand how anyone could hurt a dog or a cat intentionally. It is terrible. I do hope anyone who does this is brought to justice. Last night there was a dog in the UK, who had been inflicted with serious horrific injuries, by someone or more than one person. I won't go into it's injuries, they were terrible, and those who did it, have not been caught yet. I sent healing energy to this dog, and wished I could do more. I do hope a good owner will take it and look after it when it is well enough.
The cats, kittens, and dogs in the rescue centres that I have sent healing energy to, I have seen their progress in further posts and they do very well. I do believe that the healing energy I send helps them. For animals in newspapers I have no way of seeing their progress, I send the healing and hope they improve.
I have given healing energy to a cat as well as it's owner in recent months. On one occasion, the cat in question, sat for a while, with my hands on his side and back, then jumped on to the settee behind my head, lied down behind my head for a further ten minutes. I thought that was amazing. I am sure he felt that there was something good happening for him and stayed close to me for that reason.
To send distant healing to cats, dogs and people. I prefer to do this with a photo. This helps me to connect to them. If it is a person, then I like to have a name as well, of course when someone books they will give me their name at the time of booking, and if it is booked over the internet, I ask them to message me a photo as well. When I send distant healing, I deepen my connection to healing energy, and reiki energy, by stating the connection. Then I place my hand over the photo, and with my eyes shut, I go i
nto a meditative state, then I state my intention for the healing. The healing energy then goes to the person or animal. I hold this intention for a while, then release, and finish the connection to the person or animal. I do not need to use any reiki symbols when I do distant healing, but I do use them sometimes if my intuition leads me to.
I can send distant healing to anywhere in the world. Do contact me if you would like to have this sent to a pet or to yourself and your pet. If I send distant healing to you and your pet, it doesn't make any difference to the energy, what health problems you or your pet may have. The energy works on an individual level for whatever you need as an individual person or animal. I say this because when I talked to a lady a couple of months ago, about holding a reiki healing circle at the community place which she ran. I explained to her that a reiki circle is where people sit in a circle, or around a table. Music is played and I go around the people, placing my hands on their shoulders in turn, and sending healing energy to them. She explained, but everyone will have different healing problems, as if healing was like taking different tablets, and had to be different for each person. That is not the case for healing energy. The healing energy works individually, so whatever health problem you have it works for that, and for you spiritually/mentally as well. If the healing is conducted in person, individually, then as I could do something particular for you, such as using a particular symbol that my intuition guides me to, or particular hand movements or places that I am guided to.
So, to conclude. Healing energy, is very helpful if sent via distant, and good to have in person as well. It is good for pets, and animals in general. And can be sent anywhere in the world distantly. If you want to have this distant healing sent to you, you can also book for a particular day and time, so that you can lie down for a half hour or hour, and relax at the same time. Or you can just have it sent to you as soon as I receive your photo.
Reiki Blessings.
????? (?????, ki wo tsukete – Take care
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